Alumnus testimonial
Amanda Jansen – Safety and Health Consultant at Antea Group
To complete the Master’s specialisation Health & Society, I had to find an internship. Because I was particularly interested in the connection between health and the built and natural environment, I looked for an internship that would allow me to further that knowledge. I finally found a position at Antea Group, an international office of engineers and consultants specialised in full-service solutions in the areas of the environment, infrastructure, urban development and water. Health plays an increasingly important role in all this. I researched the relation between indoor climate, learning achievement, health and experience at primary schools.
Maintaining this customer contact is enjoyable and educational
It turned out to be a good choice! There was a good click with both the company and the colleagues, which led to my being able to continue working at Antea Group after finishing my studies. Although it is a major challenge to give more room to health in the projects of Antea Group, I’ve had increasingly more success. With regard to the theme of health, I’ve been advising people on indoor climate by using sensors and questionnaires about experiences. I’m also working on the theme of the ’Healthy City’ and sensors that enhance health and safety in a neighbourhood. Because health and safety are inextricably linked, I also have diverse projects that focus more on safety. For example, I did research on fire safety in healthcare institutions, I’m working on social safety in public transport, existing risks on the work floor and the safety policy of industrial companies.
Most of my customers are government companies, but also Dutch and international companies that value the health and safety of their employees. Maintaining this customer contact is enjoyable and educational, I have good contact with my colleagues and the company pays attention to my personal development.
Because Antea Group is a project-based organisation, working there is diverse, challenging and fun. No one day is the same!