Alumni meeting
Wageningen Experience Day - Saturday 8 October 2022
You are a 'Wageninger'! And that's why you'll be there on Saturday, 8 October, 2022 during the second edition of the Wageningen Experience Day. It is going to be an exciting day, on campus and online, so save the date 8 October in your agenda. See you then!
Join us on 8 October!
Biodiversity, circular economy, feeding the world and climate change. These are the present time's big themes, but they are also the themes that have been associated with Wageningen University & Research for decades. One could say that they are part of the DNA of Wageningen. And that is exactly what you will see during the Wageningen Experience Day on Saturday, 8 October! A hybrid event that you and your study friends from all over the world can and want to join.
Measure what you eat and learn for a lifetime
Three unique talkshows, hosted by Eveline van Rijswijk; programmer, presenter and science journalist, assisted by WUR student Olaf Rhijnsburger.
Guests from various disciplines provide different perspectives. Listen, for example, to Emmeke Huizinga-Vierhout, about the 10,000 water filters that she and her husband Kees Huizinga are going to bring to Ukraine. Or hear more from Dean of Education Arnold Bregt about lifelong learning and the impact of hybrid education on lifelong learning. Guido Camps measures what we eat and explains why that's so important. Of course the new president of WUR, Sjoukje Heimovaara, will also make an appearance. Reason enough to register!
Check out the programme below to learn more about the guests for this day.
11:00 Welcome to the Wageningen Experience Day (on campus and online)
11:15 Start first talk show, with speakers Marian Stuiver about the role of nature in cities, Remco de Kluizenaar, artist in residence at WUR about the protein transition, Tinka Murk about global warming, and Ricardo da Silva Torres, Professor in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
12:00 Start breakout session (on campus and online)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Start second talk show, with speakers Arnold Bregt, Dean of Education, about his perspective on university education, Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga, senior researcher water management in deltas, Paulien Harmsen about sustainable textiles and fossil-free clothing, and Hugh Jansman about the wolf being back in the Netherlands.
14:15 Start breakout session (on campus and online)
14:45 Break with coffee and tea
15:00 Start third talk show, with speakers Guido Camps about measuring what you eat and Ioannis Athanasiadis, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science on how AI can change the world, and Emmeke Vierhout about the situation in Ukraine.
15:45 Start breakout session (on campus and online)
16:15 Networking drinks
If you're in Wageningen on 8 October, don't forget to take a tour of the campus between talk shows or listen to artist in residence Remco de Kluizenaar's special podcast on protein transition while you explore the campus on your own. You're also welcome to check in online and read the various stories from the past year!
Online programme
We realise travelling to Wageningen might not be possible for many of you. That is why we are bringing the same engaging programme to those joining us online. We will be bringing you to our online campus, where you cannot only follow our talk shows but also engage with speakers and alumni in dedicated breakout meetings. With the programme running from 11:00 – 17:00 CET, you can tap into conversations no matter whether you’re in Beijing, Addis Ababa or Rome.
Our online campus will be your one stop shop to connect and get the latest research and education updates from Wageningen. If you’re curious to see what’s been happening at Wageningen, make sure to register today!

Visitors both online and on campus can follow a campus tour or listen to artist in residence Remco de Kluizenaar's special podcast on protein transition. In addition, you will find several stories from the past year that we would like to share with you. You can also use the registration form that you can find on this page for online participation.
What makes you a 'Wageninger'?
I am a Wageninger because...
How would you finish this sentence? What is your ‘Wageningen DNA’? We often say ‘Once a Wageninger, always a Wageninger’, but what does that mean to you? Show us in a short video of max. 1 minute! During the Wageningen Experience Day on Saturday 8 October, we want to show a compilation of the Wageningen DNA from all over the world to create a unique connection that way. Join us!
How to make the perfect video:
- If possible, film your video somewhere that shows where in the
world you are located; - Keep your phone horizontal;
- Make sure your face is in the frame! A good rule of
thumb is keeping your eyes on the 1/3 line from the top of the screen; - Clean your camera lens ;-) and turn off the flash;
- Make sure the light comes from the front (not from the back!) for the best results;
- Use the high quality settings on your phone: 1080p HD at
30fps; - You can speak in Dutch or in English;
- Last but certainly not least: record a few seconds extra
at the beginning and at the end. Start recording, count to three, and start telling your story. When you’re done, count to three again before you stop recording.
Are you satisfied with your video? Send it to alumni@wur.nl or use WeTransfer. Do you first need some inspiration before you start filming? You can find some examples here.
Thank you and we hope to see you on our (digital) Campus on 8 October!