Alumnus testimonial
Timo Geers - International Management Trainee
Already when choosing my BSc I realized that one area where innovation will continue to take place is the area of food production. People cannot go without food… Because I had a wide interest in different functions within organizations I continued with MME and specialised in Management & Entrepreneurship. I liked that the topics of innovation, sustainability, and cross-functional collaboration where always at the core of my specialisation. For my thesis I researched a case study on smallholder dairy farmers in Malawi, whereas I optimized a Decision-Making Model for livestock farm strategies during my internship at a European feed producer. What I like most was that I was able to combine different organizational perspectives after my studies. I still benefit from it today in my role as International Management Trainee. Bringing colleagues with different specialisations together and helping them in providing more value for our customers.
What I like most was that I was able to combine different organizational perspectives after my studies
What is your current job? And how relates that to your study at Wageningen?
“Right now I am part of the International Management Traineeship at Kramp, Europe’s largest supplier of spare parts for a wide variety of industries. Ranging from agriculture to Forest & Grass care and Construction. The cross-functional academic background from my master’s in Wageningen really helps me in quickly finding common ground between departments. Whether it is in Finance, Sales, Operations, HR and even IT. Everything is connected and MME prepared me in seeing the strategic links between these organisational functions.”
What are your future goals?
“Within the next 5 years I want to be in a leadership position where I do not only optimise one specific ‘silo’ of an organisation, but really work together with other functions in the organisation to get the most value for our customers while operating as sustainable as possible!”
How did you experience the quality of the education at WUR? What are the reasons that you experienced it like this?
“There is a lot of freedom in courses from many areas which fit your interest best! You can become a specialist in a specific topic or choose for a selection of courses which provide you with a more holistic view in your area of interest.”
How did your study bring you closer to playing your part in the transition towards a sustainable world?
“Having real life cases on sustainable transition within organizations and society. Especially business cases in the food production system showed me some best practices to transition into a more sustainable world. Some great inspiration on what you can as an organization to bring sustainability and growth together.”