The notes of J.G. de Man

De Man left us an exercise-book with his observations regarding terrestrial, brackish water and freshwater nematodes. The cover of the exercise-book bears the title: Nématodes, libres, marins, de la région de Cette. The handwriting on the cover is not the one of De Man.

In the first part of the exercise-book he indicates in which month the nematodes were observed and whether the observations refer to males or females. Most species he observed originate from Leiden. In the second part he provides information regarding the habitat and distinguishes humid plant clay close to fresh water, humid plant clay not close to fresh water, humid plant clay close to brackish water, peaty clay in forests, dune sand, heather soils and fresh water. Although the exercise-book has been damaged by water, it is still an unique document.

Exercise-book: Nématodes, libres, marins, de la région de Cette
(click on the pictures for an enlargement, © Laboratory of Nematology)