
Participatory knowledge production in European fisheries management and policy development

This PhD project addresses the challenge of expanding the knowledge base for EU fisheries management and policymaking through participatory processes. The overall objective is to increase our understanding on how participation influences this knowledge base.

Participation refers to activities where stakeholders are involved. The stakeholders are actors who - in addition to scientists, managers and policymakers - have an interest in the science and management of EU fisheries. These include fishers and their communities and organizations, fisheries-dependent industries, NGOs, and other citizens. The dynamics of knowledge production will be investigated in the context of developing and implementing long term management plans (LTMPs). Such plans are increasingly used as an instrument within EU fisheries management. How is knowledge used and produced in interaction between stakeholders in the process of developing long term management plans? To what extent is the knowledge that is produced in participatory settings of making long term management plans translated into practices of EU fisheries policy development and management? LTMPs will be investigated in multiple case studies representing various levels of participation. ‘Knowledge production’, ‘participation’ and ‘boundaries’ are central concepts framing the analysis. Insights gained from investigating knowledge production processes can be used to evaluate if and how knowledge that is generated in participatory settings is incorporated into the knowledge base which is underpinning EU fisheries management. This PhD project is carried out as part of GAP2, an EU funded project addressing the gap between science, stakeholders and policy makers in fisheries management and policy development.

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