Paola Palozza

Paola Palozza participates in the Mitofood project; a research community for nutritional optimization of mitochondrial function for health promotion and disease resistance.

Dr. Paola Palozza, MD

Institute of General Pathology
Catholic university - School of Medicine
Lgo F. Vito 1
00168 Roma
Tel +39 06 3016619
Fax +39 06 3386446


Study of the mechanisms of action of bioactive food components, including carotenoids n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols, as redox agents and modulators of molecular pathways involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis to the evaluation of these compounds as preventive agents in cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Relevant projects and functions

  • Different projects on redox signalling in neurodegeneration and in cell growth and differentiation (Miur Cofin)
  • Different projects focusing on effects, bioavailability and food content of carotenoids (Miur linea D1, Industial AROMOMA Project, INRAN)
  • EU FP6 IP Lycocard: "Role of lycopene for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases"
  • Member of the Carotenoid Society board
  • Member of the Fat Soluble Vitamin Society
  • Member of the General Pathology Society

Group structure

1 senior scientist (F), 3 scientists (3F), 3 PhD students (1M, 2F), 1 technician (F)

Selected publications

  1. Palozza P, Sheriff A, Serini S, Boninsegna A, Maggiano N, Ranelletti FO, Calviello G, Cittadini A (2005); Lycopene induces apoptosis in immortalized fibroblasts exposed to tobacco smoke condensate through arresting cell cycle and down-regulating cyclin D1, pAKT and pBad. Apoptosis 10:1445-56
  2. Palozza P, Serini S, Di Nicuolo F, Boninsegna A, Torsello A, Maggiano N, Ranelletti FO, Wolf FI, Calviello G, Cittadini A (2004); Beta-Carotene exacerbates DNA oxidative damage and modifies p53-related pathways of cell proliferation and apoptosis in cultured cells exposed to tobacco smoke condensate. Carcinogenesis 25:1315-25.