MOOC Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition
Learn from the top professors of Wageningen University & Research about macronutrients and overnutrition and how they impact humans. This course is offered as a MOOC, and is part of the Professional Certificate Pogramme: Nutrition and Health.
Why follow this course?
Food plays a central role in our society but few people actually understand what it does to our bodies. Learn more about nutrition and how our diet profoundly impacts our current and future health. This introductory nutrition course addresses the relationship between nutrition and human health with a focus on health problems related to overnutrition.
In this course, Professor Sander Kersten from Wageningen University will introduce you to the chemistry of the three macronutrients fat, carbohydrate and protein. You will learn how macronutrients are absorbed, stored, and metabolized for energy, and you will gain a contemporary view of how different types of fats, carbohydrates and proteins affect human health. Moreover, the course will cover energy homeostasis and the regulation of bodyweight, and provides ample coverage of the topic of obesity. Finally, it will make you familiar with nutritional research and research methodologies.
Is this course for you?
No previous knowledge needed. By completing this course, you will have the necessary tools to better weigh and interpret the information overload about nutrition and health. You can continue learning with the course Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition.
What you will learn
- Broad view into the field of nutrition
- Composition of foods
- Basic chemistry of the macronutrients fat, carbohydrate and protein
- How macronutrients are absorbed, stored, metabolized and how they may impact health
- How to better weigh and interpret the information overload about nutrition and health
Professional Certificate Programme Nutrition and Health
This MOOC is part of the Professional Certificate Pogramme: Food, Nutrition and Health, which learns you more about food, nutrition and how your diet impacts your health. The other MOOC in this programme is Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition.