Integrative omics approaches towards the molecular understanding of broiler meat quality and authenticit.
The term "meat quality" is now considered complex intrinsic characteristics together with extrinsic characteristics strongly influenced by the farm-to-fork continuum system. In this system, "food integrity" is of prime importance which is an entire state of being nutritive, healthy, tasty, safe, authentic, transparent, rapidly traceable, as well as ethically, environment friendly, and sustainably produced foods. More than ever, a greater focus on animal-derived food integrity is needed to provide safe and healthy products and to earn consumer trust. Given these considerations, the Farm-to-Fork strategies play a fundamental role in the EU Green Deal and, fortunately, there are promising solutions on the horizon.
This project aims to investigate to what extent the extensiveness of the husbandry system accompanied by different breeds affects the intrinsic meat quality and to what are the comprehensive and high-throughput assessment tools for the intrinsic meat quality as well as for assuring the authenticity.
Integrative omics approaches.
1. Andersen, H.J., et al., Feeding and meat quality – a future approach. Meat Science, 2005. 70(3): p. 543-554.
2. Holman, B.W.B. and E.N. Ponnampalam, Meat Products: From Animal (Farm) to Meal (Fork). 2022. p. 933.
3. Rychlik, M., et al., Ensuring Food Integrity by Metrology and FAIR Data Principles. Frontiers in chemistry, 2018. 6: p. 49-49.
4.Mooney, M.H. and T. Fodey, Centre for ASsured, SafE and Traceable Food (ASSET). Food Chemistry, 2013. 136(3): p. 1525.
5. Farm to Fork strategy (published on 20 May 2020): communication-annex-farm-fork-green-deal_en.pdf (europa.eu)
This project aims to investigate to what extent the extensiveness of the husbandry system accompanied by different breeds affects the intrinsic meat quality and to what are the comprehensive and high-throughput assessment tools for the intrinsic meat quality as well as for assuring the authenticity.
Integrative omics approaches.
1. Andersen, H.J., et al., Feeding and meat quality – a future approach. Meat Science, 2005. 70(3): p. 543-554.
2. Holman, B.W.B. and E.N. Ponnampalam, Meat Products: From Animal (Farm) to Meal (Fork). 2022. p. 933.
3. Rychlik, M., et al., Ensuring Food Integrity by Metrology and FAIR Data Principles. Frontiers in chemistry, 2018. 6: p. 49-49.
4.Mooney, M.H. and T. Fodey, Centre for ASsured, SafE and Traceable Food (ASSET). Food Chemistry, 2013. 136(3): p. 1525.
5. Farm to Fork strategy (published on 20 May 2020): communication-annex-farm-fork-green-deal_en.pdf (europa.eu)