EELRIC: Eel Reproduction Innovation Centre
EELRIC is a platform for the reproduction of eel and a home for an international consortium of partners sharing experience and collaborating to force breakthroughs.
World-wide, eel populations have decreased strongly in numbers since the 1970s. The existing eel farms still depend on the catches of glass eels in nature which are then raised to market size. Only a restricted number of glass eels is available for aquaculture and societal concern exists about the lack of sustainability. Successful propagation could supply aquaculture with glass eels and close the production cycle. This way, both eel aquaculture as well as management of the natural populations could become sustainable. Several European research groups work independently on the reproduction of European eel in captivity but progress is still limited. The aim of Eel Reproduction Innovation Centre EELRIC is to function as a platform for the reproduction of eel and as a home for an international consortium of partners sharing experience and collaborating to force breakthroughs. EELRIC is initiated and owned by the partnership between Stichting Duurzame Palingsector Nederland (DUPAN) and Wageningen University & Research. The launch of EELRIC represents an essential step towards reproduction of eel in captivity to support sustainable aquaculture.