Dutch pigeon breeds in genebank
The Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) manages genebank collections of several types of animal breeds. Recently, sperm from 5 different show pigeon breeds has been added to the genebank collection in order to secure the future of these breeds.
According to FAO guidelines, the population size of the Dutch show pigeon breeds has decreased in such a way that the breeds’ risk status can be considered “critical” or “endangered”. The CGN keeps track of the status and trends of animal genetic resources in the Netherlands and determines the risk status each year based on numbers and internationally applicable criteria. (Read more about the risk status of Dutch farm animal breeds.) Freezing show pigeon sperm is important to support breed conservation.
Freezing pigeon sperm
Until recently, attempts to extract and freeze show pigeon sperm have been disappointing. In recent years, however, several new protocols have been tested, one of which led to a significant improvement in survival after freezing. Research also showed that the fertilizing ability of the frozen sperm was not reduced and that the eggs could also be fertilized through insemination with frozen sperm.
The pigeons (27 cocks and 2 hens) are housed for 4 to 5 months at a location near Wageningen so that the sperm can be collected and frozen twice a week. The presence of the hens is necessary to increase the libido of the cocks. Each time 0.001 – 0.03 ml of sperm can be collected. Although this is only a very small volume, it contains several billion sperm cells. The sperm is diluted in freezing liquid and distributed over several insemination straws before it is frozen. Per freezing day, this produces 4 – 10 straws per cock.
Do you want to read more? This news item is based on a Dutch article that will appear soon in Kleindier Magazine. It will describe in detail how the sperm collection is organised.