Dutch knowledge helps to improve Indonesian potato cultivation
How can you show that Dutch seed potatoes will reduce soil nematode infestation? By exporting seed potatoes as well as knowledge. This is the key of the approach of Applied Plant Research (PPO) in Indonesia.
The idea that Dutch seed potatoes had caused diseases in local potato cultivation had taken root in Indonesia. This is why the Indonesians preferred to no longer import seed potatoes from the Netherlands. The Agricultural Counsellor in Djakarta considered this a pity because precisely Dutch companies could supply the varieties that can, e.g., reduce nematode infestations.
Problem analysis
The Agricultural Counsellor called in scientists of PPO who analysed the problems faced by Indonesian potato cultivation and made an inventory of the solutions. At the same time they investigated whether such solutions would result in opportunities for Dutch trade and industry.
Their survey revealed that many soils in Indonesia are infested by nematodes, the organisms causing potato eelworm disease. Such infestations can be suppressed by growing resistant varieties but the Indonesians themselves have no such varieties. They can buy these from the Dutch potato trading companies.