Course Didactics for continuing education
Universities, in addition to education for initial students, also have Continuing Education as their task. Education for (external) professionals requires a certain design and supervision. In order to support lecturers at universities in the (further) development of this type of education and to learn from each other, the alliance partners offer the course 'Didactics for Continuing Education’.
Registration is not open for this course.
You can already show your interest.
Flexible setup
You can choose to only participate in module 1. If you wish to continue, please choose between module 2 and 3. After finishing modules 2 or 3, you follow module 4.
Module 1 can be followed at any location (Wageningen, Utrecht or Eindhoven). The package of remaining modules (2 or 3 and 4) have to be followed from the same location (which may differ from the location of module 1).
Is this course for you?
This course is designed for teachers and developers (coordinators) of Continuing Education (CE):
- from different universities, faculties and institutions
- with learning questions about didactics (design and/or guidance) of CE
- with demonstrable knowledge and experience at UTQ level
- who are involved in the guidance of CE for the duration of the course if they choose module 3
Registration for the course
You can registrate for module 1 or for the complete package.
Please note that all staffmembers/employees from WUR , TU/e (Intranet), UU and UMCU have to sign up through their own institutions websites, or via this link and can join the modules for free.
Please see the flyer for full details per location. The dates for the on-site meetings per modules are:
- Wageningen: 5 June 2023 (m1), 18 September 2023 (m2), 19 September 2023 (m3), 13 November 2023 (m4).
- Eindhoven: 16 March 2023 (mod. 1), 28 March 2023 (mod. 3), 30 March 2023 (mod. 2), 11 May 2023 (mod. 4).
Programme and Topics
Module 1:
In module 1, vision on CE and characteristics of appropriate CE didactics are central. We first discuss what the organization and what you yourself want to achieve with CE. The main part of the meeting, we spend on the characteristics of didactics for CE. Does this differ from didactics for initial students, and how?
With each participant there is a short online/telephone intake interview.
Module 2:
Module 2 focuses on the design of CE. What are the possibilities to get information on the needs of professionals? How do you design CE in concordance with the needs and characteristics of professionals?
Module 2 consists of a meeting and workshop assignments in which there is room for personal learning goals, working on the preparation or the design of your CE, individual coaching and collegial consultation
Module 3:
Module 3 focuses on supervising CE. Which guidance style fits the needs and characteristics of professionals? What difficult situations can you encounter in CE groups and how do you deal with them?
Module 3 consists of a meeting and workshop assignments in which there is room for personal learning goals, working on your guiding style for CE, individual coaching and collegial consultation.
Module 4:
In module 4 we share experiences and draw conclusions about appropriate didactics for CE based on the individual projects. There is also room for a topic that comes from the learning goals in the group.
Practical information
€ 365,00 for module 1, € 985,00 for the whole course.
The minimum number of participants per module is 4. The maximum number of participants is 16.
After attending this course a certificate is issued.