Course Details - Water Stewardship for Climate Resilience
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set for 2030 to end all forms of poverty worldwide, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind require policy makers, companies, civil societies, civil servants, project implementers and also each one of us to think broadly, plan wisely and act responsibly. Water is (strongly) related to many of the SDGs set (see the figure below) and therefore needs to be adequately managed.

The course will build on the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management Water and will make the ecosystem services concept explicit. The course will trigger discussions and support participants to think broadly about how to best utilize water especially in view of a growing demand for food, increasing pressure on fresh water resources and in the context of climate change.
Making the best use of water asks for more than thinking of and knowledge about global challenges around food security and water security. It requires individuals who are good communicator across cultures and sectors, who dare to speak up, who are eager to work with others and ensure that partnerships can function more smoothly. It also requires people to reflect on the actions being implemented so that necessary changes are being incorporated into plans and operations. The course will support participants to improve these skills necessary to plan wisely and act responsibly.
The course is highly interactive, combining presentations illustrated by case studies and shaped by innovative tools, with groups work. A one-week field work will put the participants in a real-life case where they will put in action the necessary skills for water stewardship.
This course is taught in a blended format: partially online and partially in person in Indonesia
Our courses are currently taught blended and follow this format:
- Online pre-course assignments to ensure that you have acquired pre-required knowledge, understand the technical requirements of the online / hybrid learning.
- Interactive plenary sessions where we share content, facilitate exchanging experiences, challenge each otherthrough debates and discussion. During those interactive sessions we work witha number of online tools like Mentimeter, Jam Board and Mural.
- Group work either online, offline and face-2-face where you with other participants work jointlyto answer specific questions and / or complete an assignment. During theface-2-face part of the course, the content and skills acquired during the online/hybrid part will be applied to a concrete case. Using backcasting eachgroup will be guided and challenged to find innovate solutions for the identifiedproblems, which will be presented at the end of the course.
- Individual assignments where you will read literature, watch videos, do exercises and take quizzes. These assignments are an essential part of the learning and most of them count for getting the certificate. They are meant to introduce or deepen knowledge and make the linkbetween theory and your own situation.
- We offer coaching trajectories where we support you one-on-one or in small groups to review your individual learning paths in the course and help with any basic questions you may have.
The course is taught in online, the venue for the face-to-face part is in Indonesia.
Online platforms: Zoom and TalentLMS
Internet connection is important for the completion of the course. Not sure about the connection in your area? Send an e-mail about your situation.
We use Zoom as a facilitating platform for all our online courses.
Our learning system is TalentLMS. Everything you need — our course programme, assignments, background information are in this system. TalentLMS is easy to operate, can also be accessed by your phone and has an on-and offline functionality. To access TalentLMS you will receive a temporary WUR account.
We organise a technical check-in before the course starts, to test your facilities and get familiar with the tools.
Course planning and certificates
The course workload is approximately 40 hours a week (full-time).
The exact programme of your course will be available 2-3 weeks before the start of the course. If you’ve successfully completed your course we send you a digital certificate.