Alumnus testimonial
Career Daniëlle van de Broek - MSc Molecular Life Sciences
"Hi, my name is Daniëlle, and I am a Molecular Life Sciences student with the specialization Biomedical Research. In my spare time I like to handcraft, play the guitar and enjoy nature. During the bachelor Molecular Life Sciences in Wageningen I became excited about discovering structures and processes of life at the molecular level. My main interest is to use these insights to develop novel biomedical applications."
The proposal writing inspired the next steps in my scientific career
Writing a research proposal 101
"I chose the Research Master Cluster because I wanted to deepen my knowledge about the research field that excites me, and learn how to design an original PhD project. During the course I learned to develop my own research ideas with significant impact on science, supported by conversations with expert scientists and other students. The course provided me a lot of valuable insights and experiences for my future career in research. I learned how real research proposals are planned, reviewed and funded, and I improved my skills in writing and presenting for a broader scientific audience."
Exploring tissue engineering
"Inspired by my thesis about collagen self-assembly at the laboratory Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter in Wageningen, I chose to write a proposal about artificial extracellular collagen matrices for application in cartilage tissue repair. My project aims to design materials that enable durable cartilage repair by structurally supporting cartilage cells and guiding their activity with precisely tunable biochemical signals. Sadly, my proposal was not selected for funding. Nevertheless, the proposal writing has made me very enthusiastic about tissue engineering. It has led me to an internship at the Soft Tissue Engineering group at TU Eindhoven and I am applying for PhD positions in this research area."