Student information
Admission Requirements
Admission to the Erasmus+ and NON Erasmus+ Exchange
If you would like to be admitted to the Erasmus programme, you should meet the following requirements:
- There should be an exchange agreement between your home university and Wageningen University.
- You need to be nominated for an exchange period by your home university (before our nomination deadlines).
- You should be a regular student, registered at one of our partner universities.
- Preferably you have completed 120 ECTS, which equals at least two years of study at the home university/academic background.
- You are not allowed to make claims to other grants of the EU in the same study period.
- Please note that you have to submit a proof of your English language proficiency with your application (unless you are a native English speaker or study at a university that teaches fully in English). You need to hand in one of the tests mentioned here or a certificate (written in English) from the language centre of your home university stating your level of English (minimum B2). The minimum requirement is English skills at the B2 level, but we recommend you to obtain C1 before your start in Wageningen. The OLS-result for Erasmus+ students is not accepted.
- Hand in your application before our application deadline.