Student information

Social Safety - Links

Useful Links

Talk about it

The organisations below offer help on various issues, including the other topics listed on this page.

  • Everything Allright? Support Line / Alles Oké? Supportlijn
    Are you not at ease with yourself? Do you have problems at home, at work, with your studies? Are you worried about the future? 
    Everything Allright offers support for anyone aged 18-25 if things just aren’t going great. Chat or call for free and anonymously and 100% confidential with a trained volunteer. Daily btwn 14:00 and 22:00h.
  • Mind Korrelatie
    Have you had to deal with domestic violence or other forms of violence and would you like to discuss this anonymously with a professional counselor? This can be done free of charge via chat, WhatsApp, mail and via 0900-1450.
  • The listening line Luisterlijn (NL)
    It helps to talk about it! When you are in pain or worrying about something; when you feel alone or happy. The Listening Line gives you that little bit of support, without obligation and anonymously:
    088 0767 000.

Domestic Violence

  • Veilig Thuis / Safe at Home (NL)
    Gives advice and support in the event of domestic violence. For yourself, but also if you are concerned about the safety of someone else. Sharing your concerns is an important first step. Because domestic violence doesn't stop until you do something.
  • I suspect domestic violence (NL)
    What to do when you are worried that a friend or house mate is in an abusive situation?
  • Victim Support / Slachtofferhulp
    helps people to pick up their lives again after a major event. They offer emotional support, (if necessary) guide you through the criminal process and/or help you to get compensation for damages.

Sexual Violence

  • Sexual Assault Centre (NL/ENG)
    Were you recently sexually assaulted or raped? Do you need help or do you have questions? We can help and are here for you day and night.
  • Let's Talk About Yes (Amnesty International NL/ENG)Sex without consent is rape. It's as simple as that, right? Only yes means yes! But what is a 'yes' to you? And what does consent mean to us? Join the conversation: Let's talk about YES! LTAY-Wageningen>>
  • Tea & Consent (ENG)If you’re struggling with consent, just imagine instead of initiating sex you’re making them a cup of tea... It's an oldie, but it can hardly be more clear than this.

Idealis / Housing

Contact the housemanager of your student flat if you feel unsafe.

Discrimination & Racism

  • Report Discrimination
    Contact Vizier/Discrimination Oost when you feel discriminated against or if you see discrimination in your area.
  • The Black Lives Matter movement, brings voices to the foreground, that have been previously unheard. Realising the potential for change and equity, ARA (Anti-Racist Association of Wageningen) and WUR, work on a proposal to tackle Racism and Discrimination within our organization and our campus.



  • Drugs & Partying
    Under the influence of drugs or alcohol you sometimes do things that you later regret. You'r short tempered, or you are less sensible to the wishes and the limits of yourself and others. Click for more info.
  • Iriszorg
    Boozing on a night out, Chilling in the evening with your friends and playing endless games. Spending hours on social media. A pill - or two - during a festival. Nothing wrong with that, right?
    Until you realize you can't live without it anymore. Do the check or contact Iriszorg for information or help.
  • Help my loved one is addicted
    Whether it concerns your partner, parent, friend or roommate, your feeling of powerlessness, and often despair, is enormous in all cases.
    The addiction also affects your life. Stichting Naast gives tips, help and advice (partly free of charge)