Richard Porter

Richard Porter participates in the Mitofood project; a research community for nutritional optimization of mitochondrial function for health promotion and disease resistance.

Dr. Richard K. Porter

School of Biochemistry and Immunology
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
Tel +353 1 608 1617
Fax + 353 1 677 2400




Regulation of mitochondrial efficiency in determining basal metabolism with particular emphasis on mitochondrial uncoupling protein function/regulation and their use as targets for anti-obesity and anti-type 2 diabetes strategies.

Relevant projects and functions

  • Proteomics and brain mitochondria (Marie Curie)
  • Project on Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins: Function and Regulation
  • Chairman of the European Bioenergetics Conference 2008 (EBEC 2008)
  • Member of the Theme Panel III (Bioenergetics and Metabolism) of the Biochemical Society

Group structure

postgraduate (M), postdoctoral scientist (F)

Selected publications

  1. Murphy, J.E.J. and Porter, R.K. (2008) The control of Oxidative Phosphorylation in the Adrenal Gland Cell Line (Y1), Annals of Experimental Medicine and Biology, in the press
  2. Porter R.K. (2008) Uncoupling protein 1: A short-circuit in the Chemiosmotic process, The Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 40, 457-461.