Thesis subject
Biodiversity on Wageningen Campus
A long-term monitoring project aims to survey biodiversity and changes therein over time on Wageningen Campus, which will help us to protect biodiversity on Campus. Data be obtained for discovering trends in (urban) biodiversity.
Close involvement of students will ensure a more thorough understanding of biodiversity of these soon-to-be researchers and policy makers, and is likely to enhance their appreciation and awareness of nature.
Start date
End date
You will:
- collect data of one (or more) taxonomic groups (e.g. plants, insects, fungi, nematodes, mice) in plots across (a part of) the Wageningen Campus ;
- use identification keys or DNA barcode based techniques to identify taxa;
- analyse the biodiversity data by calculating alpha, beta, gamma diversity
- use geostatistical analysis to calculate biodiversity maps over space (and time)