Central and Eastern Europe
Welcome to this website for sharing news about the cooperation initiatives of WUR in Central and Eastern European countries (CEE). The website serves as an information platform for relevant projects, events, and partners in the CEE region and overall communication about the important developments in research and education domains of WUR in the CEE region.
WUR has numerous cooperation relations with partners in the CEE region, within European Union programmes and on bilateral basis. The CEE region has a fruitful ground for manifold cooperation initiatives in research and education. The eastwards enlargement of the EU and the need for bridging the innovation divide between west and east Europe (EU13 and neighboring non-EU countries) have featured some challenges, but also created many collaboration opportunities.
The cooperation with CEE partners has an important role in the implementation of the Green deal - EU policy within the multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027, as well as in enhancing the regional cohesion and the European networks. The European Commission is investing in research and innovation initiatives in the CEE countries (Horizon Europe-Widening participation) in order to strengthen the effective use of the EU funds across Europe and improve scientific excellence, knowledge use, education, human capacity and innovation.
As a leading academic organization in Europe in the field of life sciences, the partnerships of WUR with the CEE countries aim to boost the societal impact of science and education as drivers to needed innovations for sustainable food systems transition, clean environment, bio-economy, nature-positive future, land-water-soil nexus and climate change solutions.