WUR and India
Wageningen University & Research carries out different types of research activities in India. The portfolio of activities focuses on climate change, water, food security and heat stress individually and the connections between these.
Drought, waterlogging and salinity are typical problems facing agriculture in India. Each year they affect millions of hectares of land, leading to decreased yields in rice, wheat and other crops.
Climate change is expected to increase the pressure on available land and water resources. Wageningen University researchers, together with colleagues at various Indian institutes, are trying to find tailor-made solutions to these problems. Research is carried out to increase water use efficiency in agriculture, to find adaptation measures that address critical moments and to re-use water where possible. Wageningen University & Research thereby contributes to Climate-Smart Agriculture and a transition to a green economy. We do not limit our research to rural areas; our researchers also help to create a healthy living environment in India's rapidly expanding cities, looking at ways to improve wastewater treatment and to reduce heat stress.
HI-AWARE will develop robust evidence on how to enhance the adaptive capacities and climate resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the mountains and floodplains of the glacier and snowpack dependent river basins of South Asia.
- Water and Food Security: Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience
This project focuses on generating an enabling environment for scaling Climate Smart Agriculture practices. This will be supported through linking the lessons learned from current Climate Smart Agriculture experiences in Climate Smart Villages with the LAPA frameworks to accelerate adoption of CSA interventions.
CASCO Climate Adaptation & Services COmmunity
CASCO focuses on long-lasting cooperation in the field of climate change adaptation by creating a community of European and Indian researchers and innovators, funding staff exchange and dedicated thematic meetings in India and Europe around climate adaptation services. CASCO consists of a total of 5 European and 4 Indian core partners, with a wide range of network partners.
Water4Crops: Waste water treatment and reuse in agriculture
Water4Crops stands for 'integrating bio-treated wastewater reuse and valorization with enhanced water use efficiency to support the Green Economy in Europe and India'. The project brings together an Indo-European consortium of 36 organisations (14 Indian and 22 European) belonging to research institutions, universities, large industries and SMEs. (project website)

The HighNoon project aimed to assess the impact of Himalayan glaciers retreat and possible changes of the Indian summer monsoon on the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources in Northern India. The project further aimed to provide recommendations for appropriate and efficient response strategies that strengthen the cause for adaptation to hydrological extreme events through a participatory process. This project was identified as one of the success stories of the European projects within FP7.
The "Indo-European Research Facilities for Studies on Marine Ecosystems and Climate in India” (INDO-MARECLIM) project is an EU FP7 funded programme which addresses climate change and variability, specifically related to the Indian Ocean and Indian monsoon; marine biological production, biodiversity and the integrity and functioning of marine ecosystems; and the impacts of these on the livelihood of coastal population. One of the objectives of this project is to extend the Nansen Environmental Research Centre - India (NERCI) as a joint research facility for scientific co-operation between India and the European Union member states and associated countries on the topics mentioned above.
Andhra Pradesh Water Management Project (APWAM)

In India the major share of water resources is being used for irrigation. The demand for water from the urban and industrial sectors is growing rapidly, causing an increased pressure on available water resources. Agricultural production in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh is mainly concentrated in the densely populated and heavily irrigated deltas of the Krishna and Godavari rivers. The objectives of the project were to generate and disseminate knowledge as well as build research capacity on improved agricultural water productivity of large-scale irrigation systems.
Climate proofing pilot
In this project climate projections were combined with other major changes in the Indian society to build plausible scenarios for the future. The idea is that this might help to formulate new directions of development and to prioritize supportive measures. Alterra participated with local organizations and supporting institutes in this process and providing both process and technical, climate-related support.
Nellore Agropark
Nellore Agropark was designed to bring potential Indian investors in industrial agriculture together with Dutch and other foreign modern farmers to cooperate on the Agropark for environmental and economic benefits. By applying cradle to cradle principles, environmental impact is reduced and waste is turned to inputs.
Salinity control in canal commands
The long-term objectives of this project were: (i) increase agricultural production in salt-affected and waterlogged areas by applying proper soil management and drainage technologies; (ii) prevent deterioration of productive land by appropriate soil and water management practices;
(iii) improve the socio-economic situation of small and marginal farmers on these lands; (iv) develop expertise for managing reclamation projects in India.