Application Leniger Bruin Kühn Scholarship 2023 Course and personal information Course* Select a course Lost Harvest and Wasted Food (04 October 2021 until 14 October 2021) Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to Foster Sustainable and Inclusive Food Systems (01 November 2021 until 17 December 2021) Course: formquestions.getStep('your_data').getQuestion('evnt_eventid').getAnswers().get(your_data.fsk_frmprm1.value) Course: Course not available anymore or no course provided! You cannot submit this form. Please search this website for another course and try again. Personal information Please enter your name in the fields below. State your name exactly as it is written in your passport. Name Given Names* Official Sur Name* Gender* Male Female Rather not say Date of Birth* Day* Month* Year* Nationality* Choose a nationality Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Uruguay Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Country of residence* Choose a country Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Uruguay Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Phone (incl. country code)* Email* Motivation What is your motivation to attend this course?* Employment details Name of your organisation* Current job title* Organisation type Choose organisation type Government/Public Private/Business NGO International NGO Research institute Educational institute Self-employed Postal Address* City* Country* Choose a country Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Uruguay Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Website Upload the following documents: Resume of the candidate* i Max 5 Mb Motivation letter, written by the candidate (include why your employer can't cover tuition fee)* i Max 5 Mb Support letter by the employer of the candidate describing how the course will benefit the organization* i Max 5 Mb I hereby give permission to Wageningen Centre of Development Innovation to share my admission file with University Fund Wageningen Completed as true and correct and in the knowledge that the provision of incorrect information, even if unintentional, can lead to the withdrawal of the scholarship and the obligation to pay back the amounts already received as part of the scholarship E-news I want to subscribe to the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation E-News (max 3 per year) I would like to be informed about activities related to the following areas of interest i 3 mailings per year, depending on your interests Agriculture Climate & Environment Entrepreneurship & Markets Fisheries Food & Nutrition Livestock Partnership & Impact Privacy* I agree with the use of my personal data for the purpose detailed above. The privacy statement of WUR applies to this use of your personal data. Read the privacy statement Linkedin Whatsapp Twitter Email