
WUR appoints professors Farming Systems Ecology and Arbovirology and Medical Biotechnology

December 1, 2023

Scientists Hannah van Zanten and Gorben Pijlman have been appointed professors at Wageningen University & Research. With their research they contribute to global food security, a future-proof planet and Global One Health.

Hannah van Zanten

Hannah van Zanten has been appointed personal professor in the Farming Systems Ecology Group Chair. She aims to contribute to the development of improved, future-proof food systems. “Our current system is unsustainable; it depletes the earth's natural resources. This seriously jeopardizes global food security for future generations,” Van Zanten said.

Hannah van Zanten (Photo: Guy Ackermans)
Hannah van Zanten (Photo: Guy Ackermans)

She notes the global challenge of making healthy food available to all while protecting the health of the planet. “There are many different solutions, such as different eating patterns, waste reduction and improved production methods. By combining these types of solutions, today's complex problems can be addressed,” Van Zanten explains. Her chair examines what combinations lead to successful food systems for the future, in which there is enough food for everyone without being predatory on the earth.

Richard Harrison, director at Plant Research Group: “I am very pleased with her appointment as a personal professor here at Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Hannah's dedication to developing improved food systems is a crucial step towards global food security and a healthy planet. Her team’s multidisciplinary approach gives direction to multiple stakeholders to achieve these goals. I look forward to the impact she will make in her new role internally and externally.”

Gorben Pijlman

Gorben Pijlman has been appointed personal professor of Arbovirology and Medical Biotechnology. Pijlman specializes in infectious diseases in humans and animals. In particular, he has a fascination with arboviruses. These are viruses spread by blood-sucking mosquitoes and ticks. “I get energy from studying complicated biological puzzles,” he says.

Gorben Pijlman at work in the lab (Photo: Eric Scholten)
Gorben Pijlman at work in the lab (Photo: Eric Scholten)

For more than 10 years, Pijlman and a team of students, analysts and PhD students have been researching West Nile and zika viruses. The goal is to discover how these viruses are transmitted by a mosquito bite. In addition to basic research, Pijlman focuses on biotechnological applications. He is involved in the development of vaccines, including self-propagating mRNA vaccines and potent vaccines based on nanoparticles. Pijlman explains: “Our focus is on creating innovative vaccines with fewer side effects and effective protection.”

“Gorben's expertise and passion for infectious diseases are invaluable”, says Richard Harrison. “With his appointment as a personal professor, the field of arboviruses and vaccine development, crucial for Global One Health, receives more attention at Wageningen. His contribution to education also has a great impact on our students, equipping them with foundational knowledge in molecular virology and biotechnology. I am excited to see how through this appointment this important research field will develop still further.”