Water Streams Model (WSM) – App for Water and Nutrient flows in Greenhouse Horticulture
The Water streams Model (WSM) is an online app for calculating water usage from various sources, the accumulation of harmful substances, and the discharge of nitrogen and phosphates for soilless greenhouse cultivation systems. The app uses a detailed simulation model that calculates how the concentrations of relevant substances change (accumulate) during the cultivation period, based on the crop uptake and fertilisation. It can also determine what is needed to prevent the accumulation of sodium, what investments are needed to reduce wastewater and emissions, and how to comply with current and future emission norms.
WSM provides insights into the impact of water source quality, reuse of filter rinse water, and the size of storage tanks. It also considers crop type dependencies, rainfall availability (dry, average or wet year), and the effects of nitrogen and phosphate discharge. The app is available for growers and suppliers, as well as an educational tool in green education, in line with developments and regulations regarding groundwater use, emissions, and reverse osmosis (RO) brine management.
For whom?
The app is available to growers, suppliers, and educational institutions as a practical tool. It was developed as part of the Kennis Op Maat subsidy programme with contributions from STOWA and aligns with the ongoing KOM Circular Horticulture Greenport West-Holland project. This initiative brings together governments, businesses, educational institutions, and research organisations to build a sustainable future by reducing water usage, promoting reuse, and optimising storage management - aspects that can be visualised using the app.