Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation offers short courses to mid-career professionals in low and middle income countries. Discover impact stories and the experiences of participants.
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Food Systems Stories
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Other testimonials and impact stories
Whether physically or online, Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI), part of WUR, is the place to be for food systems professionals
Lusine Tadevosyan -
I've reached thousands of farmers and students with the knowledge I gained in Wageningen and elsewhere.
I am in the middle of a training right now, presenting the knowledge I gained at the course in Wageningen to high level policy makers. Yesterday I presented it to the management of the ministry.
Olasumbo Ayinde-Yakub -
The course was very interactive and practical, using cases of the participants from all over the world. We learned how to involve stakeholders in making a theory of change, a plan for the project. And how to communicate effectively with different stakeholders.
Basmah al Quzah -
Looking for simple ideas to use agriculture as a weapon against malnutrition, I came across this course
Justin Mafuko on the Making Agriculture Work for Food & Nutrition Security course