Fostering Lifelong Learning: Investing in people
Our lifelong learning approach is developed for institutions and professionals that want to invest in their capacities and leadership skills to be creative, adaptive and responsive to the dynamics of a rapidly changing world. We combine knowledge of practical situations on the ground with new insights and approaches.
This way professionals can overcome bottlenecks they face in their day to day work. Already for more than 60 years we specialise in interactive learning and training methods and offer professionals great opportunities to share ideas and experiences, create new insights and to develop their network; we bring the knowledge of professionals in action. On the job, through customised training programmes and blended trajectories.
Customised Food and Nutrition Security course
We create and facilitate online learning trajectories (including e-courses) such as a six-week course on Food and Nutrition Security for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This was co-designed with the client to give background information to staff members at Dutch embassies in countries where the Netherlands’ policy on Food and Nutrition Security is implemented as well as policy makers of other ministries and implementing organisations.
The course was highly valued by the 150-plus participants for the way the different modules mixed a small amount of theory with a great deal of practical examples and tools, plus lots of interaction via webinars and discussion platforms.
Bringing professionals together with students
Since 2003 we offer a regular short course for mid-career professionals from low and middle income countries that is simultaneously offered to MSc students from Wageningen University to the satisfaction of both groups of participants.
This is a fine example of how we bring together different audiences in a setting that stimulates sharing and problem-solving, combining the practical knowledge of professionals with the more theoretical know-how of students. MSc students highly appreciate the applied character of this type of education and the interaction with mid-career professionals; mid-career professionals highly appreciate the more theoretical and refreshing insights the MSc students bring with them.