Safety duplication of the CGN seed collections

Safety duplicates of a genebank collection are of great importance to safeguard germplasm from loss in case of disaster. Therefore, CGN has duplicated nearly all (99%) of its accessions and has accommodated these safety duplicates at different genebanks.

The other way around, CGN has also stored duplicates from other collection holders in its storage facility. The exchange of germplasm safety duplicates follows the so called "black box" approach. The duplicates are stored under optimal conditions, no details are supplied on the material and the safety duplicate holder is not allowed to make any use of the material. The conditions that have to be met in order to facilitate the exchange of safety duplicates are described in detail in section 6.1.4 of CGN's quality manual.

CGN holds about 7.300 safety duplicates of more than 20 collection holders from 13 countries. These accessions are stored at minus 20 0C together with the archived collection and the source material of CGN.

CGN has accommodated its own safety duplicates at:

  • Horticulture Research International (HRI), Genetic Resources Unit, Wellesbourne, United Kingdom
  • Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany
  • John Innes Institute, Norwich, United Kingdom
  • Bundesamt fur Agrarbiologie, Linz, Austria
CGN deposit of 2021 in the Global Seed Vault
CGN deposit of 2021 in the Global Seed Vault

CGN has also triplicated about 87% of its accessions in the Global Seed Vault at Svalbard. Those seeds are also stored under a “black box” arrangement.