Examples of experiments
The wide variety of facilities, expertises, machinery and equipment enable Unifarm to conduct very widely varying experiments.
Team Greenhouses:
- Control of the quarantine bacterium Clavibacter in tomato.
- Analysis of plant growth, development and the photosynthesis level of plants. Identification of the genes controlling these processes.
- Effect of light quality and light intensity (sunlight, various LEDs and SONT-T lamps) on photosynthesis, morphogenesis and development of plants.
- Genetic variation in the taste of tomato.
- Hydroponics: growth of plants on ‘salt’ water.
- Algae PARC research: developing cost-effective and sustainable micro-algae production methods.
- Applicability of LED lighting in horticulture.
- Disease resistance in banana (Panama disease).
- Phenotyping of plants by using advanced cameras and sensors.
Team Field experiments:
- Comparison of Phytophthora resistance levels in newly developed potato cultivars.
- Green manure experiments with various ryegrasses for teaching practicals.
- Long-term effect of fertilisation on the botanical composition of grasslands.
Long-range rotation experiments on driving tracks for organic farming.
Research into worms brought into the soil from worm hotels.
- Rotation green manure experiments.
- Diversity research in herbs and grasses
- Drift research with various innovative drift-reducing spray nozzles.
- Effects of early herbivores on the insect community of black mustard.
- Evaluation of the eco plough in comparison with conventional and non-turning soil tillage.
- Effect of above-ground plant diversity on soil organisms.
- Sheep, long-term grazing research, in particular taste.