
Analyses of the Functioning of Milk Package provisions as regards Producer Organisations and collective negotiations

Wijnands, J.H.M.; Bijman, J.; Tramnitzke, Tanja


This study aims to assess the effectiveness and potential improvement of the Milk Package provisions, as regards the functioning of producer organisations (POs) and their role in collective negotiations with milk processors. The specific objectives are to: 1. Evaluate the functioning of existing POs and associations of producer organisations (APOs) formally recognised under the Milk Package. 2. Evaluate the potential for POs where they have not been constituted yet. 3. In the light of the analysis, draw up recommendations to improve the usefulness of the Milk Package provisions. Legislation on POs in the dairy sector is provided in the Common Market Organisation Regulation (Regulation (EU) 1308/2013). According to this Regulation, Member States shall recognise POs in the milk sector formed on the initiative of producers and pursuing a specific aim, which may include (Article 152(3) of Regulation 1308/2013): (i) ensuring that production is planned and adjusted to demand, particularly in terms of quantity and quality; (ii) concentration of supply and the placing on the market of products produced by its members; (iii) optimising production costs and stabilising producer prices.