Living income as a human right
Millions of farming families in Africa, Asia, and Latin America earn less than a living income. In Côte d’Ivoire, for example, cocoa farming families need to earn at least 500 USD per month but, on average, the poorest half only earns half of that. Can the living gap be closed? Yes, but not by going down the same road. We need structural changes.
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Our researchers are happy to talk to you about actions that you can take to make a difference through your organisation, or together with other stakeholders, including through for instance the establishment of an Inclusive Transformation Fund:
Evidence-based recommendations and strategy design
We evaluate the impact of current and future policies, innovations and interventions on smallholder farming family and worker livelihoods. We do this by working with all relevant stakeholders, with a special focus on the voices and interests of smallholder farming and worker families. Our evidence-based recommendations help policy makers, agricultural and food companies, NGOs and foundations to substantially reduce and close the living income gaps for these people. This involves:
- Finding ways to optimise incomes from farming and other income sources (e.g. agroforestry and nature conservation) for different types of households.
- Conducting impact evaluations and modelling the expected impact of strategies based on data and literature.
- Creating roadmaps with different stakeholders on how to achieve their goals.
- Supporting learning processes to enhance household, sector and rural landscape resilience.

Development pathways for smallholder cocoa farming families
There are many different types of households, each with different possible pathways for growing their resilience and income. By considering household needs, aspirations and opportunities for income growth, optimal strategies can be developed to reduce and close living income gaps.