Defence Laura Cramer
We are proud to announce the successful defence of the doctoral thesis of Laura Cramer on 8 October 2024. Her dissertation is entiteld 'Framing livestock and climate change in eastern Africa: Ambiguity and knowledge brokering in science-policy interfaces'.
Prof. Dr A.R.P.J. Dewulf, Personal chair at the Public Administration and Policy, WUR
Dr T.A. Crane, Principal Scientist, Sustainable Livestock Systems Program, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
Other members:
Dr S.R. Vellema, Wageningen University & Research
Dr A. Knaggard, Lund University, Sweden
Dr M. Faling, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dr J. Onyango, African Centre for Technology Studies, Nairobi, Kenya
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Livestock production systems in eastern Africa are being negatively affected by climate change while also contributing a large share of national greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) for the countries in the region. This dilemma of livestock being both affected by climate change and contributing to it is one dimension creating ambiguity around how to frame the problem. There is ambiguity, in part, around
whether the most important problem is the negative impacts that livestock keepers are facing because of the changing climate or the relatively large contribution of livestock production to GHGEs within the region. What takes priority as the most important problem to address depends on one’s background and experience. The different problem framings and potential responses are discussed within sciencepolicy interfaces by actors from various institutions holding diverse views.