Information for WCSG Students
WCSG is involved in education at various levels at Wageningen University: BSc, MSc, PhD and post-graduate. Please see the links on this page for more information on the education offered by various groups and our dedicate MSc programme Governance of Sustainability Transformations/.
Education with WCSG
The Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance (WCSG) section consists of four chairgroups: Consumption & Healthy Lifestyles (CHL), Environmental Policy (ENP), Forest & Nature Conservation Policy (FNP), Law (LAW), and Public Administration & Policy (PAP). Here you can find more information on education specific to the chairgroup of your interest.
Want to bring about transformative changes?
Working accross the diverse chairgroups that make up the WCSG, we are proud to bring together an interdisciplinary Master's specialisaton track: Master's Governance of Sustainability Transformations. If you are interested in this specialisation you can visit the programme page.
Visit programme page