Impact & innovation
We strive to make societal impact through our research and innovation at the Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance (WCSG). What better way to learn about our work and our impact than through our stories and projects?
Innovation through Incubators
We value innovation. That's why we invest in the incubator programme. It provides an invaluable space for exploring collaborations that enable theoretical, methodological or thematic innovation. Below you can find our most recent projects in the works for 2022 as well as our past projects.
Incubator updates
Check out the recent blogpost & report from our Incubator Project, Sustainable Goverance Talks Without Jargon!
New Incubators anncounced for 2022
Incubators 2020-2021
Here, you can find our ongoing Incubator Projects that we have invested in between of 2020-2021
Impact Stories
Beyond our incubators we are also innovating in our research and striving to make impact. Learn more about our work through our stories.
The Department of Social Science (DSS) recently published an online magazine where we share inspiring impact stories from various research projects within the department.
Here, of course, you'll also find more impact stories from WCSG researchers featured in this visually engaging publication.