Seminars of the Section Economics

The seminar series is organized by the Section Economics of Wageningen University (consisting of the groups Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy, Development Economics, Urban Economics, Environmental Economics and Natural Resources, and Economic and Environmental History).

The seminar is aiming to foster the exchange on recent topics in the field of economics. We consider contributions from all fields of economic research and invite speakers from Wageningen, the Netherlands and abroad.

The seminar is organized as a weekly lunch seminar taking place on campus. Meetings are between 12:00 and 13:00 hours. Lunch is served. Rooms, speakers, and topics are announced here.

All staff and students are welcome!

If you want to present your work, or you want to suggest potential speakers please contact Théo Konc ( or Suphi Sen (

Upcoming Seminars

Past Seminars

Presentations held in 2016
Date Presenter Title
6 October Linde Götz (IAMO, Germany) How well is the Russian Wheat Market Functioning? A Comparison with the Corn Market in the USA
29 September Anouschka Groeneveld (AEP, WUR) Uptake of on-farm processing of organic waste
22 September Koos Gardebroek (AEP, WUR) Analyzing production shocks in global wheat markets using GVAR models
15 September Fatima Lambarraa (École Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknès, Morocco) Dynamic technical inefficiency and investment decision: An empirical analysis for Spanish olive sector
8 September Arega Alene (IITA, Malawi) Ex-ante impact evaluation of soybean production technologies in Africa
1 September Paul Hofman (DEC, WUR) Social Networks and Technology Diffusion in the Congo
23 June Marleen Onwezen (LEI, WUR) Foodprofiler
20 June Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale School of Management) General Equilibrium Effects of Rural-Urban Migration
16 June Rico Ihle (AEP, WUR) The Effects of Civil War on Fresh Food Markets in Palestine
13 June Samuel Weldeegzie (Australian National University) Growing-up unfortunate: War and Childhood Human Capital in Ethiopia
2 June Andries Richter (ENR, WUR) Reciprocal citizen - Cuts in public spending reduce voluntary contributions in a field experiment
19 May Krisztina Kis-Katos (Universität Freiburg) Education attainment in the neighborhood of conflicts: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa using georeferenced data
28 April Koen Leuveld (DEC, WUR) The role of local chiefs in development aid in Eastern Congo
14 April Hans-Peter Weikard (ENR, WUR) Join, support or free-ride: coalition formation in a public goods game
7 April Alfons Oude-Lansink (BE, WUR) Measuring Dynamic Eco-efficiency under the By-Production of Undesirable Output
31 March Zuzana Smeets-Kristkova (LEI, WUR) Agricultural R&D investments, food security and biofuel policy – a CGE approach
24 March Servaas van der Berg (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) Education and Income Distribution in South Africa
17 March Jacobus de Hoop (Unicef) Economic empowerment and children’s time use
10 March Maarten Punt (University of Southern Denmark) Noise Signals Value: Trading off marine mammals and seismic survey information
3 March Shenggen Fan (DG IFPRI) A new global food system for multiple wins: Demystifying conventional beliefs
3 March Aisha Nanyiti (DEC, WUR) Tied Labour, Savings and Rural Labour Market Wages: Evidence from a Framed Field Experiment
25 February Jan Falkowski (University of Warsaw) Rural Politics and Structural Change: Some Evidence from Poland
18 February Jeroen Klomp (ENR/DEC, WUR) Political cycles in public natural disaster support: A cross-country analysis
11 February Jan Rouwendal (VU Amsterdam) Border Effects in House Prices
4 February Erwin Bulte (DEC, WUR) The Impacts of Subsidizing New Products on Uptake, Learning, and Diffusion: Experimental Evidence from Rural Cameroon
28 January Oriana Gava (University of Pisa) Spatial impacts and sustainability of farm biogas diffusion in Italy
21 January Qianqian Shao (AEP, WUR) A Political Economy Model of a GMO Trade Agreement
14 January Thomas Venus (AEP, WUR) The Costs of Coexistence Measures for Genetically Modified Maize in Germany

Presentations held in 2015
Date Presenter Title
17 December Jale Tosun (University of Heidelberg) To mobilize or not: political attention and the regulation of GMOs
10 December Florian Diekert (University of Oslo) Play with fire: Experiments to find the location of a catastropic threshold
3 December Edwin van der Werf (ENR) What firms adopt an eco-label? Initial evidence from the Dutch accommodation sector
26 November Devesh Rustagi (Goethe University Frankfurt) Got Milk? Motivation for Honesty and Functioning of Informal Markets: Evidence from India
23 November Wallace Huffman (Iowa State University) The Economic Impacts of Technology and Climate Change: New Evidence Unearthed from Corn Yields
19 November Vojtech Bartos (CERGE-EI Prague) Seasonal scarcity and sharing norms
12 November Joppe de Ree Double for Nothing? Experimental Evidence on the Impact of an Unconditional Teacher Salary Increase on Student Performance in Indonesia
9 November Corbett Grainger (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Property rights, regulatory capture, and exploitation of natural resources
29 October Martha Ross (DEC) Bargaining Markets, Information Asymmetry, and Social Capital
15 October Peter Lanjouw (VU Amsterdam) Analyzing Poverty and Inequality in Palanpur: Insights and Challenges from a Longitudinal Village Study
13 October Ofir Rubin (Ben-Gurion-University of the Negev) The impact of subsidizing energy efficient cars: Evidence from a natural experiment in Israel
8 October Shruti Sharma (Indian Institute of Management) Imported Intermediate Inputs and Workforce Composition: Evidence from India's Tariff Liberalization
1 October Janne Helin (ENR) A model for estimating phosphorus requirements of world food production
24 September Nastassia Leszczynska (Free University of Brussels) Professional identity, bribery and public service: a lab-in-the-field experiment in Burundi
10 September Robert Inklaar (RUG) Cross-country income levels over time: did the developing world suddenly become much richer?
3 September Israel Finkelshtain (Hebrew University) Regulatory Capture vs. Oligopoly: A Price Control Dilemma in the Dairy Market
9 July Ian Levely
2 July Paolo Sckokai (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) The use of scanner data for measuring food inflation and price dynamics
2 July Natascha Wagner (ISS) Does Health Insurance Coverage or Improved Quality Protect Better Against Out-of-Pocket Payments? Experimental Evidence from the Philippines
25 June Daan van Soest (UvT) Cooperation in multi-person social dilemmas: The Public Goods game revisited
18 June Andries Richter (ENR, WUR) When kindness generates unkindness. Why positive framing cannot solve the tragedy of the commons; an experimental investigation
11 June Edwin van der Werf (ENR) The Potential of REDD+ for Carbon Sequestration in Tropical Forests: Supply Curves for carbon storage for Kalimantan, Indonesia
4 June Roland Luttens (VU) Collective bargaining in an at-will firm
21 May Maarten Bosker (EUR) A theory of trade in a global production network
7 May Mequanint Melesse (DEC, WUR) Market Exposure and Risk Aversion. Evidence from Landed Farmers in Ethiopia
30 April Gonne Beekman (DEC) Sanctioning Regimes and Chief Quality. Evidence from Rural Liberia
9 April Erwin Bulte (DEC, WUR) the clawback...
2 April Bilal Siddiqi (World Bank) Can the Wounds of War be Healed? Experimental Evidence on Reconciliation in Sierra Leone
26 March Salvatore Di Falco (Université du Genève) Dead Aid? The Embezzlement of Donors' Funds
19 March Justus Wesseler (AEP, WUR) Irreversibility, uncertainty, and dynamic pest resistance
11 March Xavi Gine (World Bank) Forecasting When it Matters: Evidence from Semi-Arid India
5 March Adam Walker (ENR, WUR) Network Externalities, Allee effects and Natural Adverse Selection in Ballast Water Management
26 February Malte Lierl (Yale University) Preferences or Incentives: What Motivates Village Leaders to Refrain From Misappropriating Public Resources?
19 February Julia Anna Matz (Bonn University)) Ethnicity, Marriage, and Family Income
9 February Frank Place (IFPRI) The Effects of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration of Trees on Crop Yields in West Africa
29 January Remco Oostendorp (VU Amsterdam) Regional Labor Market Integration, Shadow Wages and Poverty in Vietnam
22 January Irene Alvarado-Quesada (ENR, WUR) International cooperation for biodiversity conservation when spatial structures matter: the case study of the golden-winged warbler
15 January Robert Sparrow The Effects of Decentralized Health Care Financing on Maternal Care: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Indonesia
8 January Jeroen Klomp (ENR/DEC, Wageningen University) Election cycles in natural resource rents: where do they come from and where do they go?

Presentations held in 2014
Date Presenter Title
11 December Thomas van der Pol (ENR, Wageningen University) A dynamic minimax regret analysis of flood management strategies under climate change uncertainty with emerging information on peak flows
3 December Peter van der Windt (DEC, Wageningen University) How Development Interventions Make the Poor 'Poorer': Evidence from Two Experiments in the Congo
27 November Michiel Gerritse (RU Groningen) Does trade cause long-run development? Theory and evidence from countries behind the Suez channel
20 November Francesco Cecchi (DEC, Wageningen University) Statutory Law and Customary Change: a Lab-in-Field Experiment in Ethiopia
13 November Niccolo Meriggi (DEC, Wageningen University) Dissecting Trust: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Rural Cameroon
6 November Tatiana Filatova (University Twente) Changing climate – changing behavior: integrating adaptive economic dynamics in coupled socio-environmental systems
30 October Maria Alexandra Nichifor Risk Mitigation Models in Renewable Energies – Solar vs. Wind
16 October Esther Boere The Impact of Whole Farm Income Insurance on Land Use Decisions: Modelling Risk Management for Dutch Arable Farmers
9 October Silke Gabbert The economics of regulating hazardous chemicals in Europe: Why (and how) persistence matters
2 October Dušan Drabik Biofuels and Vertical Price Transmission: The Case of the U.S. Corn, Ethanol, and Food Markets
18 September Elissaios Papyrakis (UEA) Income Inequality and the Resource Curse
10 September Michael Grimm Does Electrification Spur the Fertility Transition? Evidence from Indonesia
4 September Jikun Huang China’s Food Security and Policy
26 August Bernadette Wanjala (CentER Graduate School, Tilburg) Is diversification the panacea to enhancing household income and reducing poverty among Smallholder farmers? The Case of Sauri Millennium Village in Kenya
10 July Malte Lierl (Yale) Do social incentives encourage free riding? Experimental evidence from 48 villages in Tanzania
26 June Alexander Moradi (Sussex) History, Path Dependence and Development: Evidence from Colonial Railroads, Settlers and Cities in Kenya
19 June Pierre van Mouche (Economics of Consumers and Households, WUR) The Hotelling bi-matrix game
5 June Jan Stoop (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) Return to Sender: Ethical Behaviour, Social Class, and Envelopes
12 June Janneke Pieters (Development Economics, WUR) The gendered labor market impacts of trade liberalization: evidence from Brazil
22 May Shumin Yu (Environmental Economics, WUR) International Carbon Trade with Endogenous Permits and Cooperation for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
15 May Harry de Gorter (Cornell University) Biofuel Policies and Food Commodity Price Volatility
8 May Bernd Süßmuth (University of Leipzig) Crop Rotation and Complex Dynamics in Interacting Cobweb Markets
1 May Marcel Timmer (University of Groningen) Slicing Up Global Value Chains
17 April Maarten Punt (TU München) The formation of GMO-free and GMO-only Coasean clubs
24 April Francesco Cecchi (Development Economics, WUR) Does Prenatal Trauma Reduce Cooperation? Evidence from a Public Goods Experiment in Post-conflict Uganda
10 April Marcel Gatto (University Göttingen) Oil Palm Boom and Village Development: Impact and Inclusiveness of Contractual Arrangements
3 April Erwin Bulte (Development Economics, WUR) Chief for a Day: Who Should Be Stewarding Development Dollars? Evidence from a Field Experiment
25 March Srikantha Murthy (University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore, India) Backward Bending Labour Supply Curve Faced by Farmers in India
27 March Dominic Hauck (IVM Amsterdam) When green consumerism is fashionable
13 March Elisabetta De Cao (University of Groningen) Sensitive survey questions: Measuring attitudes regarding female circumcision through a list experiment
6 March Thomas van de Pol (Environmental Economics and Natural Resources group, WUR) Impacts of Rainfall Variability and Expected Rainfall Changes on the Cost-Effective Adaptation of Water Systems to Climate Change
27 February James Fenske (University of Oxford) Conflict and the formation of political beliefs in Africa
20 February Christos Kolympiris (Management Studies, WUR) The Diminishing Signaling Value of Patents between Early Rounds of Venture Capital Financing
23 January Liesbeth Dries (Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, WUR) Power, buyer trustworthiness and supplier performance: evidence from the Armenian dairy sector
16 January Jianying Qiu (Radboud University Nijmegen) Reference Dependence and Aversion to Losses in Probability: Theory and Experiment of Ambiguity Attitudes
9 January Adam N. Walker (Environmental and Resource Economics, WUR) Endogenous Risk of Stock Collapse and the Great Fish Pact
30 January Andries Richter (Environmental Economics and Natural Resources group, WUR) Saving the planet by being a hypocrite – Moral reasoning in the commons
Presentations held in 2013
Date Presenter Title
5 December Alessandro Bonanno (Business Economics, WUR) Farmers’ markets location determinants: An empirical analysis in New England
28 November Koos Gardebroek (Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy, WUR) Food Prices and Conflicts in Low- and Middle Income Countries
21 November Gerrit Antonides (Economics of Consumers and Households, WUR) Mental-budgeting effects on tax compliance of Dutch self-employed people
14 November Aussi Sayinzoga (Development Economics, WUR) Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Rural Rwanda
7 November Jan-Henning Feil (University of Goettingen, Germany) Investment and disinvestment in the dairy sector under competition, uncertainty and market interventions
31 October Rein Haagsma (Development Economics, WUR) Land conflicts in Africa: the role of institutions
17 October Sorada Tapsuwan (CSIRO, Australia) Preferences for managing mosquito borne disease outbreaks in Western Australia
10 October Jeroen Klomp (DEC, Wageningen) Economic Development and Natural Disasters: A satellite data analysis
3 October Mathias Kloss (IAMO, Halle) Identifying Factor Productivity by Dynamic Panel Data and Control Function Approaches: A Comparative Evaluation for EU Agriculture
26 September Yan Wu (DEC, Wageningen University) Political factors in China’s growth model: A theoretical model of local officials’ incentives
18 September Shenggen Fan (Director General IFPRI, Washington) Sustainable Intensification to Achieve Food and Nutrition Security
12 September Valentina Materia (AEP, Wageningen University) Selection process of public research projects in agriculture: is the scientific merit the only driver?
10 July Nicholas Magnan (University of Georgia) Social networks and the adoption of a water conserving agricultural technology in India
4 July Robert Deacon (UC Santa Barbara) Industry-driven fishery reforms
27 June Remco Oostendorp (VU) Weathering the Storm: Responses by Cambodian Firms to the Global Financial Crisis
13 June Rolf Groeneveld (ENR) Can certification improve an open access fishery? An application to Pacific tuna
6 June Harold Houba (VU Amsterdam) Bargaining in River Sharing Problems
28 May via RHI: Jan de Vries (Berkeley) Taxing the staff of life: the Dutch bread tax, 1574-1855
23 May Marit Kragt (University of Western Australia) Environmental Management
16 May Petros Milionis (University of Groningen) Reassessing the Evolution of World Trade, 1870-1949
13 May Annika Mueller (Harvard University) In the Public Eye Norms of Distributive Justice and Sharing Behavior under Asymmetric Information:Evidence from Rural Malawi
25 April Ewout Frankema (RHI) Fiscal capacity building in British and French Africa
18 April David Zetland (ENR) The End of Abundance 2.0
28 February Thomas van der Pol (ENR) Optimal Dike Investments under Uncertainty and Learning about Increasing Water Levels
14 February Elena Briones Alonso (Catholic University Leuven) Voodoo and fishing in a changing world: The role of traditional religion and modern institutions in managing the inland fisheries of Benin