Sustainable Market Innovation Hub
Projects come in many forms. Below we have highlighted some interesting ones. Others we have grouped together by theme. For past projects you can click through to find relevant publications.
Sustainable marketing and market systems. The customer should be the main focus of economic activity, but focussing on the short-term needs of customers only comes with the risk of locking in companies and consumers in marketing systems that are inherently unsustainable. Solutions require re-design of marketing systems and innovation with other actors in the system, stakeholders and institutions.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M. Matthew T.G. Meulenberg, and Hans C.M. van Trijp (2015), “Buyer social responsibility: a general concept and its implications for marketing management,” , 31 (13-14), 1428-1448.
- Angela Anagnostou Paul T.M. Ingenbleek and Hans C.M. van Trijp (2015), “Sustainability labelling as a challenge to legitimacy: spillover effects of Organic Fairtrade coffee on consumer perceptions of mainstream products and retailers,” , 32 (6), 422 – 431.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M. and Ge´ B.C. Backus (2015), “Organizing Open Innovation for Sustainability; Drawing Implications from a Case Study in the Agro-Food Complex in the Netherlands.” In: Alexander Brem and Éric Viardot (eds.), , Cham: Springer, pp. 109-132.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M. (2015), “Price Strategies for Sustainable Food Products: An Inductive Approach,” , 117 (20), 915-28.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M. and Victor M. Immink (2010), “Managing Conflicting Stakeholder Interests: An Exploratory Case Analysis of the Formulation of CSR Standards in the Netherlands,” , 29 (1), 52-65.
- Ingenbleek, Paul, Menno Binnekamp, and Silvia Goddijn (2007), “Setting Standards for CSR: A Comparative Case Study on Criteria-Formulating Organizations,” , 60, 539-548.
- Menno H.A. Binnekamp and Paul Ingenbleek (2008), “Do ‘Good’ Food Products Make Others Look ‘Bad’? Spin-off Effects of Labels for Sustainable Food Production in the Consumer Perception” , 110 (9), 843-864.
Ingenbleek, Paul and Matthew T.G. Meulenberg (2006), “The Battle Between “Good” and “Better” A Strategic Marketing Perspective on Codes of Conduct for Sustainable Agriculture,” Agribusiness: An International Journal, 22 (4), 451-73.
Telecoupling consumption and production systems. The telecoupling concept is mostly developed in the field of ecology. We are making connections with the marketing domain to understand the impact of consumer decisions on the ecology and farmer incomes in production countries. The research is conducted in the EU-funded TC4BE project (Transformative Change for Biodiversity and Equity) that is conducted in Europe, Colombia, Kenya and Cameroon.
Value chain development and smallholder adoption of new technologies. Within the context of the research-in-development project N2Africa we study the role of bundling as a market innovation tool stimulating the adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies for Ethiopian smallholder farmers. In another project, we examine the role of ICT-platforms to innovate value chains for smallholders in Uganda.
- Adekambi, Souleïmane A., Paul T.M. Ingenbleek and Hans C.M. van Trijp (2018), “Designing Institutional Arrangements to Integrate Base of the Pyramid Producers with High-Income Markets,” , 37(2), 327-341.
- Teklehaimanot, Mebrahtu L. Paul T. M. Ingenbleek & Hans C. M. van Trijp (2017), “The Transformation of African Smallholders into Customer Value Creating Businesses: A Conceptual Framework,” , 18 (3), 299-319.
- Teklehaimanot, Mebrahtu L., Paul T. M. Ingenbleek, Workneh K. Tessema, and Hans C. M. van Trijp (2017), “Moving Toward New Horizons for Marketing Education: Designing a Marketing Training for the Poor in Developing and Emerging Markets,” , 39 (1), 47-60.
- Hounhouigan, Mênouwesso H., Ken M. G. Kounouewa, Martial R. N. Ablo, and Paul T. M. Ingenbleek (2021), “Soybean quality preferences by the Beninese small-scale soy food processors using conjoint analysis,” , 17(4), 513-521. https://doi.org/10.5897/AJAR2020.15387
- Adekambi, Souleïmane A., Paul T.M. Ingenbleek and Hans C.M. van Trijp (2015), “Integrating Producers at the Base of the Pyramid with Global Markets: A Market Learning Approach,” , 24 (4), 44-63.
- Trijp, Hans van and Paul Ingenbleek, eds. (2010). . Wageningen: Academic Publishers.
- Kambewa, Emma, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek and Aad van Tilburg (2008), “Improving Income Positions of Primary Producers in International Marketing Channels: the Lake Victoria-EU Nile perch case,” , Vol. 28, No. 1 (March, special issue on distributive justice), 53-67.
Market systems in emerging economies. In emerging markets, markets are often unbalanced with a large informal market sector at the base of the pyramid and a small high-income segment at the top of the market. We have conducted several projects to stimulate the development of a middle-class segment and the growth of a B2B market to develop more balanced and refined market systems.
- Viswanathan, Madhu, Ronika Chakrabarti and Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, and Srini Venugpal (2021), “Introduction to the Special Section on Subsistence Marketplaces,” , 55, 3-7.
- Ingenbleek, Paul (2020), “The Biogeographical Foundations of African Marketing Systems,” , 40(1), 73-87.
- Babah Daouda, Falylath, Philip Barth, and Paul T. M. Ingenbleek (2020), “Market Development for African Endogenous Products,” , 40(1), 13-30.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M. (2019), “The Endogenous African Business: Why and How it’s Different, Why it Emerges Now and Why it Matters,” , 20 (2), 195-205, special issue 20th anniversary of JAB.
- Babah Daouda, Falylath, Paul T. M. Ingenbleek and Hans C. M. Van Trijp (2019), “Living the African Dream: How Subsistence Entrepreneurs Enter Upcoming Middle-Income Consumer Markets in Developing and Emerging Countries,” , 38(1), 42-60.
- Babah Daouda, Falylath, Paul T. M. Ingenbleek and Hans C. M. Van Trijp (2017), “Gender Effects on Loyalty: A Replication in an Emerging Market,” , 2, 299–305.
- Babah Daouda, Falylath, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek & Hans C.M. van Trijp (2016), “Step-Change: Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Entry into the Middle-Class Market,” , 17 (2), 129-147.
- Hounhouigan, Menouwesso H., Ingenbleek, Paul T.M., van der Lans, Ivo A. van Trijp, Hans C.M. and Linnemann, Anita R. (2014), “The Adaptability of Marketing Systems to Interventions in Developing Countries: Evidence from the Pineapple System in Benin,” , 33 (2), 159-172.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M. (2014), “From Subsistence Marketplaces Up, From General Macromarketing Theories Down: Bringing Marketing’s Contribution to Development into the Theoretical Midrange.” ,34 (June,special issue on subsistence marketplaces), 199-212.
Big data, technology, and system innovation. The advent of Industry 4.0, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, innovations in robotics and artificial intelligence have transformed markets. Taking these developments into account, we enable the further development of disruptive and incremental sustainability solutions.
- Komdeur, Morten and Paul T.M. Ingenbleek (2021), “The Potential of Blockchain Technology in the Procurement of Sustainable Timber Products,” .
Digital market innovation for fresh products. E-commerce has a particularly big impact in contexts where supermarkets don’t control the market structure yet. In China the digital market for fresh fruits and vegetables grows remarkably fast. Is this an opportunity for small-scale farmers to increase their incomes? If so, under which conditions?
Consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing. To advance sustainable marketing research and practice, we apply innovative neuroimaging methods to explore relevant entities from a fundamental neuroscience perspective – focusing on stakeholder decision-making processes in the context of sustainability decisions.
Animal welfare and Precision Livestock Farming (PLF). PLF offers new opportunities to innovate markets for meat and dairy. In the EU-funded ClearFarm project we identify the bottlenecks for sustainable change in consumer markets and at the farmer-level, as essential stages in the market systems. Our participation in this project is a continuation of a series of projects studying market solutions for farm animal-welfare problems going all the way back to the renown WelfareQuality project.
- Ingenbleek[KC1], Paul T.M. and Krampe, C. (2022), “The End of Animal Welfare Labelling as We Know It? Persisting Problems at the Consumer Level and PLF-Based Solutions,” doi.org/10.3389/fanim.2022.819893.
- Lin-Schilstra, Li and Paul T.M. Ingenbleek (2022), “A complex ball game: Piglet castration as a dynamic and complex social issue in the EU” 35 (11). 10.1007/s10806-022-09886-3
- Lin-Schilstra, Li and Paul T.M. Ingenbleek (2022), “A Scenario Analysis for Implementing Immunocastration as a Single Solution for Piglet Castration,” 12(13):1625. doi: 10.3390/ani12131625.
- Lin-Schilstra, Li and Paul T.M. Ingenbleek (2021), “Examining Alternatives to Painful Piglet Castration Within the Contexts of Markets and Stakeholders: A Comparison of Four EU Countries” DOI10.3390/ani11020486.
- Krampe, Caspar, Serratosa, Jordi, Niemi, Jarkko, Ingenbleek, Paul, (2021), “Consumer Perceptions of Precision Livestock Farming-A Qualitative Study in Three European Countries,” , DOI: 10.3390/ani11051221
- Riemsdijk, Lenka van, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek Hans C.M. van Trijp, and Gerrita van der Veen (2020), “Positioning Strategies for Animal-Friendly Products: A Social Dilemma Approach,” , (Spring), 100-129.
- Riemsdijk, Lenka van, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek Hans C.M. van Trijp, and Gerrita van der Veen (2017), “Marketing Animal-Friendly Products: Addressing the Consumer Social Dilemma with Reinforcement Positioning Strategies,” , 7, 98. doi:10.3390/ani7120098
Riemsdijk, Lenka van, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, Marleen Houthuijs, and Hans C.M. van Trijp (2017), “Strategies for positioning animal welfare as personally relevant,” , 119 (9), 2062-75.
- Aramyan, Lusine, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, Kees de Roest, Gé Backus and Richard Tranter (2013), “Evaluating the likelihood of the adoption of an animal welfare assessment system in European agri-food supply chains,” , 30 (1), 59-79.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M., Immink, Victor I., Keeling, Linda, Spoolder, Hans and Bokma, Martien (2012), EU Farm Animal Welfare Policy: Developing a Comprehensive Policy Framework,” 37, 690-699.
- Keeling, Linda, Carmen Hubbard, Victor Immink, Guy Garrod and Paul Ingenbleek (2012), “Designing animal welfare policies and monitoring progress,” 21 (April), 95-105.
- Ingenbleek, Paul, Harry Blokhuis, Andy Butterworth and Linda Keeling (2011), “A Scenario Analysis on the Implementation of a Farm Animal Welfare Assessment System,” , 20, 613-621.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M. and Victor M. Immink (2011), “Consumer Decision Making for Animal-Friendly Products: Synthesis and Implications,” , 20 special issue Welfare Quality®, 11-19.
System innovations for soil fertility. Soil fertility in Northern Ghana is under threat of among others necessary production increases and climate change. We are looking at the critical farmer stage to enable improved soil fertility management by market changes. The research is conducted within the FERARI project (Fertilizer Research and Responsible Implementation).
A Biobased economy in Uganda. Agricultural systems in Africa are often characterized by mono production of a commercial crop that is produced by dispersed smallholders. This is a difficult context to develop a bio-based economy in which by-products are brought from waste to value. In the banana production system in Uganda, we try to understand the possibilities.
Food safety in Kenya. In Kenya we try to understand how food safety can be improved in a food system that is still mostly dominated by informal or semi-formal forms of exchange, typical for emerging markets. The work was conducted in the context of the 3R project.
Sustainable pastoralism. We did for more than ten years research on sustainable use of natural resources by Ethiopian pastoralists. We learnt how pastoralists manage the natural resources on which they depend for their livelihood, while experiencing market pressures. These lessons are relevant to protect the social and natural environments in which pastoralists live, but also to better manage the impacts on natural resources of any other market context.
- Gugissa, Desalegn A., Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, Hans C.M. van Trijp (2021), “Market knowledge as a driver of sustainable use of common-pool resources in communities that are integrated with the global market system” . 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107039
- Gugissa, Desalegn A., Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, Hans C.M. van Trijp, Mebrahtu L. Teklehaimanot, and Workneh K. Tessema (2021), “When natural resources run out, market knowledge steps in: Strategic natural resource deployment studied in a resource-scarce emerging market context,” , 30 (4), 1598-1609.
- Workneh Kassa Tessema, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, and Hans C.M. van Trijp (2014), Pastoralism, Sustainability and Marketing. A review,” , 34, 75-92.
- Ingenbleek, Paul T.M., Workneh Kassa Tessema, and Hans C.M. van Trijp (2013), “Conducting field research in subsistence markets, with an application to market orientation in the context of Ethiopian pastoralists,” , 30 (1) special issue on emerging markets, 83-97.
- Teklehaimanot, Mebrahtu L., Paul T. M. Ingenbleek, Workneh K. Tessema, and Hans C. M. van Trijp (2017), “Moving Toward New Horizons for Marketing Education: Designing a Marketing Training for the Poor in Developing and Emerging Markets,” , 39 (1), 47-60.