Programming in Python Course was nominated to the Excellent Education Prize 2023
This week the Excellent Education Prize 2023 ceremony took place at Wageningen University & Research. Apart from being a very nice and well-organized event, it was special for the INF group because our course “Programming in Python” was one of the 3 large course nominees for the WUR Excellent Education Prize 2023. It is special not only because it is a recognition of the continuous efforts the course team dedicate for re-designing and updating this course but also it is an acknowledgement, by our students, peer colleagues and WUR education management, of the value of programming for education in all domains.
Python language made programming accessible to everyone more than any time ever. In this course we educate +500 students per academic year over 3 periods and we are very proud our students learn programming in less than 8 weeks and use it later in follow-up courses, in their thesis or even for improving their job-hunting opportunity. The INF group and the course team are very proud of this nomination!”