The Effects of Dingtalk and Mosoteach on Students’ Learning, Motivation, and Self-regulation in China
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the teaching mode of all Chinese universities changed from Face-to-Face (F2F) teaching to online teaching in February, 2020. Since then, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) has been used increasingly for teaching English in classrooms.
This study intends to explore the effects of TELL on students’ learning, motivation, and self-regulation. Apps for Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) have been the most commonly used forms of TELL in China over the last couple of years.
This study will employ a quasi-experimental study followed by surveys and coding schemes to explore students’ experiences of using Dingtalk (a CMC App) and Mosoteach (a LMS) in Advanced English course and the possible impacts of TELL on their learning, motivation, and self-regulation.
The findings of this study will not only provide new insights into TELL in relation to students’ learning, motivation, and self-regulation, but also give implications for students, teachers, authorities, and policy makers to optimize TELL in China.
PhD Candidate: Yanchen Zhu
Main Supervisor & Co-promoter: Dr Harm Biemans & Dr Omid Noroozi
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