Engaged research connecting community with higher education
ENtRANCE (ENgaged ReseArch coNnecting Community with higher Education) is a EU Erasmus+ project. It aims to explore and enhance the social responsibility of students, academic staff and academic institutions delivering scientific research support to their local communities which face societal challenges.
The cross-boundary learning approach proposed by ENtRANCE engages students, educators and academic staff in collaborative research projects with civil society organisations (CSOs), facilitated especially through Science Shops. The needs analysis and impact study performed through the project will generate knowledge concerning the actual research needs faced by civil society in various European countries, and the impact of collaborative research projects on society. An action training programme will be developed and pilots will run in various countries in order to strengthen responsible forms of research and innovation that connect academia and society. This project runs from 2018 until 2020 and involves five European Higher education institutions: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (coordinating institution), Wageningen University, Instituto Universitário da Maia, Lahti University of Applied Sciences, and Vilnius College of Technologies and Design. The ENtRANCE project is part of the wider Living Knowledge Network.
Project team
ENtRANCE Handbook
- How to embed CERL into your institution (download)