
eNaBlS Living Lab

Nature Inclusive Education at WUR (eNaBlS Living Lab)

Nature inclusive education (NIE) addresses the need for more regular, direct and meaningful nature experiences in the daily life of younger generations to facilitate the development towards responsible changemakers for science and society. It enriches learning with experiential approaches, supports wellbeing and facilitates reflection on human-nature relationships underlying sustainability issues. Nature-inclusive education provides a learning culture that enlivens active hope in the face of global socio-ecological crises. Please find more information on NIE below.  

Building on several initiatives at WUR, we created a Living Lab for nature-inclusive education as part of the ENABLS project. The coming years we will run teacher trainings and form a community of practice with staff and students to experiment with NIE methods in courses. Following a Whole School approach, we also explore institutional changes towards a more nature inclusive culture WUR-wide. Whether you are a student or staff, there are many ways to get involved! 

For everyone 
Whole School Living Lab groups: Several working groups (that you can join) were formed to explore and initiate various institutional changes towards a more nature inclusive educational culture at WUR (see image on the right). Input is needed from the whole school, including students, teachers, policy and other staff. For more information and participation: 

Join one of the Living Lab meetings on March 14, May 6 or July 4 (9-12h) and see the working groups document Living Lab NiE WUR | Members - general info | Microsoft Teams 

For information and joining contact: 

Symposium More Nature Deeper Education: It takes a whole school: On April 8th 2025 a symposium is organized at WUR on nature-inclusive education. It takes a whole village to raise a child, and whole school to enliven a nature-inclusive learning culture for the next generation. Join this day full of inspiration, workshops and opportunities to connect:  

For (Teaching) Staff 
Teacher Training: A new teacher training was developed with the Teaching and Learning Centre for using nature inclusive teaching methods in existing or new courses. Another training will be developed on how to deal with emotions for global concerns and to foster active hope in class. You will find upcoming trainings on CRS under Teaching and Supervising courses Educational Staff Development Courses 

Community of Practice: Regular design and intervision meetings are organized to share, inspire and help each other with nature inclusive methods, discuss experiences and practical concerns related to NIE in practice. These meetings are meant for all staff connected to education, including teachers and program directors. For information and registration see: Nature inclusive teaching 4: Course & curriculum design and implementation Educational Staff Development Courses 

Intranet: For updates, inspiration and connection to other interested colleagues join the intranet page on Nature Inclusive Education Groep - Intranet WUR 

Special Interest Group (SiG) Social Action and Emotions: Seeks to develop teaching and learning activities that support teachers to engage with emotions students experience and express in the classroom related to global crisies (i.e. climate emotions). Contact  

For Students 
Nature-inclusive courses: There are several courses at WUR that put special focus on nature inclusive education methods. Thanks to the teacher training and living lab activities, more and more courses are adopting nature inclusive methods. This list will be updated regularly: 

Anthropology of Outdoor Skill: Combining Theory and Practice Through Relational Learning (FNP51306) 
Anthropology of outdoor skill 2: The journey (FNP52306) 
Exploring Regenerative Cultures for Sustainability (ELS58303) 
Wild Perspectives (FNP51803) 
Environmental Education and Learning for Sustainability (ELS31806) 
Educational Design and Training for Sustainability (ELS32806) 
Empowerment for Sustainability (ELS21806) 

Student activities: In collaboration with student organizations and associations regular student activities are being organized. You will find them through social media channels of these organizations or narrowcasting at WUR. Are you interested in organizing an activity yourself? Contact 

Student support: Are you a student and do you experience feelings of concern, anxiety or remorse about current or future global concerns? One of the Living Lab working groups is setting up support services for students to help you navigate challenges around climate anxiety and other major societal concerns. For more information contact Lian Kasper ( 

Thesis and internship opportunities 
There are ongoing thesis and internship opportunities related to human-nature relationships and nature-inclusive education. We are building a database of past research efforts and organizing a structured offer of topics for new students. Contact for more information. If you are interested to do your internship as part of this Living Lab, contact 

Background information  
Nature inclusive education is a relatively new term in education that builds on a long history of other nature-related educational visions, such as environmental, outdoor or green education, relational and experiential learning, wild pedagogies and pedagogy of care. NIE aims to bring together many of these efforts to give nature a ‘care-full’ place in human cultures and foster reciprocal human-nature relationships in the face of major sustainability transitions. Nature inclusive education invites reflection on and communication about worldviews. It is not only learning about nature in a scientific way, but also engaging emotionally, physically, existentially and actively. It builds on experiential, embodied, and relational teaching methods that give learners the opportunity to practice with knowledge, skills, and attitudes for a balanced and meaningful participation within the greater community of life.  

For more exhaustive exploration of the nature inclusive education in the Netherlands: Startnotitie-Natuurinclusief-Onderwijs_eindversie.pdf 

For an impression of nature inclusive education in practice see this short film made about a WUR course, narrated by Reineke van Tol, phD researcher on NIE: batch 6 - ad 4 (VSL) 

ELS Living Lab Team 
Louise van der Stok, Lian Kasper, Mieke de Wit, Arjen Wals, Valentina Tassone 
Student support: Yoram de Vos, Evita Laheij 

NatuurCollege – Natuurcollege – In Verbinding  
ReGeNL - Ontwikkeling toekomstbestendige landbouw | ReGeNL 
Collectief Natuurinclusief Naar een Natuurinclusief Nederland in 2050: Doe mee aan de Groene Revolutie! Collectief Natuurinclusief 
Wageningen Pre-University Wageningen Pre-University - WUR