Curricul-UP: Building a structure for continuous teacher involvement in learning trajectory design and implementation
The Curricul-UP project (Wageningen University Innovation Fund) starts from the problem that newly designed skills learning trajectories cannot be implemented and effectuated easily. This hampers teacher commitment and involvement, and student learning. Implementation is hindered by the current structure for a chair group-led, course-based curriculum design at WUR.
The goal of this project is to develop guidelines that facilitate the implementation and continuing effectuation of (skills) learning trajectories in WUR curricula. A learning trajectory on boundary crossing in the BSc Animal Sciences (BAS) serves as the testing ground of this project. Boundary crossing competence, being indicated as crucial to Wageningen graduates (e.g. WUR Vision for Education 2025), is a difficult to grasp concept and therewith challenges the design and outcomes of this project.
The project starts with an exploration of the current modus operandi with respect to curricular implementation and maintenance (e.g. by workshops with program committees of various BSc programmes). Teacher workshops in the BAS programme will be organised to actually implement the boundary crossing learning trajectory in the curriculum, and in the meantime collect experiences that inform a guideline for implementation and maintenance. A draft-guideline will be co-created with teachers, program committee members and educational designers and shared for consultation with various gremials throughout WUR.
Project Team
- Carla Oonk (ELS)
- Camilla Ramezzano (ELS)
- Inge Palm (BSc Animal Sciences)