Teacher Training

ELS offers students and graduates from Wageningen University several ways to enter the teaching profession.

Students from Wageningen University can enter the teaching profession within one of the following three educational sectors:

  1. Secondary education
  2. Senior secondary and higher vocational education and training (in Dutch these are called mbo and hbo respectively)
  3. Academic education

Students and graduates who want to orientate themselves on a job in education might consider following the Orientation program

Bachelor and Master students from programmes directly linked to secundary education subjects can follow the Minor Education (for Master students this is called the Educational Module) after which they are allowed to teach as a starting professional in havo/vwo 1+2+3 or vmbo-t. Students who aren't studying a bachelor program directly linked to secundary education can teach in mbo.

From 2018-2019 academic year, students MEE & students MML can enrol in the Track Academisch Eerstgraads Docent VO, after which they are allowed to teach, respectively, Physics or Chemistry in the Dutch secundary education. In this Educational Track the space of the regular internship is used for this teacher training. You first follow the Education minor in Wageningen within your bachelor. This gives you an exemption for the first half of the teacher training. You will take the second part of the teacher training course at the Radboud Teachers Academy (Radboud University), after you have completed the subject-specific part of the master's program in Wageningen, including your master's thesis. After completing this track, you’ll have two master's degrees, one for your master's degree and one for your teacher's degree. The track can be completed within the regular duration of the master.

Only in Dutch

The courses of the Minor Education are taught in Dutch. A good command of Dutch is an entry requirement for the courses, because students spend two/three days a week on teaching practice at a Dutch or bilingual school.