
Climate and Biodiversity Crises: What is the Role of Economics?

The Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group at Wageningen University and Research is pleased to welcome you to the Symposium: Climate and Biodiversity Crises: What is the Role of Economics?

Organised by Environmental Economics and Natural Resources
Duration Lunch included
Venue Aula, Omnia Building, WUR Campus

We are facing many global challenges, such as biodiversity and climate crises. This event will discuss the role economic concepts and tools can play in transforming our society towards climate and biodiversity positive outcomes.

In collaboration with leading experts:

  • Prof. Sir Partha Dasgupta, University of Cambridge
  • Prof. Thomas Sterner, University of Gothenburg
  • Prof. Dale Whittington, University of North Carolina & University of Manchester
  • Prof. Åsa Löfgren, University of Gothenburg
  • Prof. Carolyn Fischer, Research Manager Sustainability and Infrastructure, The World Bank

We will explore topics and questions such as:

Social sciences in the face of environmental crises

Many interrogations exist around what social sciences can bring to the table to address global challenges, in particular the biodiversity and climate crises. Should economics operate a paradigm shift to make a more effective contribution towards addressing these challenges?

Backlashes in contemporary environmental policies

Environmental policies are hard to pass and face political and social backlashes (e.g. fossil fuel subsidy reforms, EU Green Deal, etc.). These backlashes are happening around the world and could delay important transitions. Given the urgency of the situation, should economists incorporate wider societal concerns into their reasoning?

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 See the New York Times video on one of our special guests Prof. Sir Partha Gupta
Time Content
9.30-10.00 Arrival & Coffee
Location: Entrance Omnia Building
10.00-10.15 Welcome and introduction
Location: Podium hall, Omnia Building
10.15-12.00 Short talks by speakers (15 min each)
• Partha Dasgupta
• Thomas Sterner
• Åsa Löfgren
Panel discussion 1: “Social sciences in the face of environmental crises”
Location: Podium hall, Omnia Building
12.00-13.00 Lunch
Location: Entrance, Podium hall
13.00-14.30 Short talks by speakers (15 min each)
• Carolyn Fischer
• Dale Whittington
Panel discussion 2: “Backlashes in contemporary environmental policies”
Location: Podium hall, Omnia Building
14.30 Closing coffee
Location: Entrance, Podium hall