PhD Alumnus Isaac Ansah
Isaac Ansah successfully defended his PhD thesis “Household resilience to food security shocks” in June 2021.
Teaching has been my passion since childhood. It offers me the chance to interact and share knowledge, skills and experiences with students from diverse backgrounds and to understand their peculiar challenges.
Isaac started his PhD as a staff member at the University for Development Studies in the Northern Region of Ghana. Since his graduation, he works as a lecturer at the Department of Economics at the same university. His current responsibilities include teaching - among others a course on Econometrics - to undergraduates, masters and PhDs, supervising thesis students and managing one of the University's halls. “Teaching has been my passion since childhood. It
offers me the chance to interact and share knowledge, skills and experiences
with students from diverse backgrounds and to understand their peculiar
challenges”. Isaac holds a strong belief in knowledge dissemination being the key to the success of an economy. This belief supports his motivation to be an agent of disseminating accurate knowledge and relevant skills for nation building.
Isaac thinks back fondly of his time with the AEP group and when asked about the skills and experiences that he has gained here and that he finds most useful for his career, there are quite a few: “Discipline, honesty, practicality, punctuality, conciseness, aptness, accuracy, among others, are the qualities that shape everyday activity in my current job. I have learned that combining theory with practical sessions (hands on exercises) is an effective way of helping students understand content, and also aiding them to apply such knowledge in their respective endeavors. Hence, I keep exploring effective ways to do this. I am noted for emphasizing application of knowledge by incorporating hands on sessions in every course I teach. This, according to feedback from students, is my hallmark in the social sciences.”