
Wetenschappelijke ondersteuning genenbank bomen en struiken

Through the project CGN supports the Dutch State Forest Service (SBB) in the management of the genebank for autochthonous trees and shrubs; it also maintains the documentation of the genebank through a database accessible through the website:  

In 2016 CGN will explore the genetic diversity of populations and individuals of elm in order to give the best possible advise to SBB what material should be incorporated in the genebank, either in a single location or separate from each other, depending on whether the genetic base should be broadened or kept as it was found in nature.

The initiative to give the genebank a more structural financial base will be continued in 2016. A number of stakeholders should together with the Ministry of EZ and SBB be responsible for this sound public-private financial base by January 2017.
