

The objectives of PIGWEB are to strengthen the pig research community by providing and facilitating access to research infrastructures (RI), to strengthen the culture of collaboration between the research community and industrial and societal stakeholders, and to improve and integrate the services provided by the RI are supplied. This will contribute to the development of innovative and ethical solutions for sustainable pig production systems (e.g. identifying new feed materials that do not or less compete with other uses, improving animal health and welfare, producing high-quality pork products and reducing of the environmental and climate impact).

WENR's tasks in the project mainly focus on the following objectives:

  • Contributing to a research infrastructure for pig research and supporting the community in the improvement of FAIR data management practices, by developing training material and organising training and workshops, aiming mainly at researchers and data scientist in the research and business domain
  • Extending and improving the tools and practices that are currently used in pig research towards a shared state-of-the-art data sharing ecosystem
  • Embed this in openly accessible resources that can be taken up and maintained by the community within and after the lifetime of the project
