

LIVESEEDING contributes to scaling up organic food production in Europe through improved availability of organic starting material for a wide range of crops and the transition to more sustainable, healthy and fair food production.

This is achieved by (i) developing varieties that are more suitable for organic and low input cultivation, (ii) involving chain parties in breeding and (iii) making clear the importance of biodiversity for food production and health . LIVESEEDING focuses on the availability and demand for organic starting material, varieties and the food produced from them and creating networks and roadmaps to achieve the use of 100% organically produced starting material in 2035, based on scientific research and proven practical solutions.

The germination of seeds and growth into seedlings is the start of vegetable production, but also a sensitive phase in the life cycle of the crop. At the same time, climate change increases the risks of biotic and abiotic stress. Reduced options for chemical support, for example through seed coating, require other methods to increase the resistance of germinating seeds and seedlings. WR's job in LIVESEEDING focuses on methods for producing more robust seeds. This concerns, on the one hand, a high germination capacity of the seeds and on the other hand, making use of the microbiome. There are now examples of how the seed microbiome, which has evolved with the plants over millions of years, can give seedlings tolerance or even resistance to pathogens or help the seedling with more efficient nutrient uptake. Research on the seed microbiome has great potential for application, but is in its infancy. WR conducts research into the effects of different forms of organic or conventional seed production on the biodiversity and effectiveness of the seed microbiome.


The project supports the EU 'Farm to Fork Strategy' to achieve 25% of the agricultural area under organic production by 2030. This requires a lot of high-quality organic seed, with an important role for Dutch seed companies. LIVESEEDING has a holistic approach with 37 partners from 15 countries
