Inventarisatie overlap werkingsmechanismen
The Uitvoeringsprogramma Toekomstvisie gewasbescherming 2030 is envisaging a significant change in crop protection. It is expected that microorganisms will play an increasing role in biological measures used to enhance the resilience of cropping systems. Applied microbial products will complement the resident microbiome when needed. For three categories of microbial products with different functions - microbial crop protection products, biocides and biostimulants - separate regulations have been developed and are used for authorization of the use of such products. However, microbial products may have several functions. For such products a harmonization of regulations may be possible.
A deskstudy will be conducted to analyze scientific information on (1) isolates of microorganisms with multiple functions in crops as biostimulant, crop protection product or biocide, (2) possible risks of using such microorganisms for humans, animals and the environment independent from their functions, (3) the assessment of microbial consortia versus single strains, and (4) the analysis of possible reasons for harmonization of regulations and of knowledge gaps. Results of the deskstudy will be summarized in a report and a scientific publication.