Harmonisation and standardization analysis
For the determination of the safety and quality of agraricultural products reliable and internationally accepted analysis methods and procedures are of vital importance.
In laws and European guidelines there are a lot of references to harmonised standards. This project makes Wagingen UR (RIKILT) able to actively participate in European and international standardization work and co-design of standards based on own practical experience, but also to be able to timely anticipate for new standards. In the context of food safety, the international trade (Codex, WTO) and the harmonisation of the policy in Europe standardised analysis methods and harmonised criteria for performance characteristics of analysis methods play an important part in the mutual recognition of analysis results. Participation in commissions, workgroups and collaborative studies in the area of the development and harmonisation of analysis methods are also a part of the different NRL-tasks of the RIKILT, assurance activities (COKZ, nVWA) and the control of several subsidies (nVWA, Dienst Regelingen).