GVB voor zeevisserij
The knowledge assignment of the project Implementation of the CFP for sea fisheries consists of developing and contributing knowledge for policy for the implementation of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
The aim of the CFP is an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable European fishery. In addition to drawing up catch limits (TAC & quota), multi-year plans for (endangered) species and mixed fisheries, and technical measures regulations, the landing obligation is one of the spearheads of the current CFP.
The European member states themselves must give regional interpretation to the implementation. In particular, the implementation of the landing obligation poses a number of challenges for certain species and certain fisheries.
That is why (temporary) exceptions can be submitted every year by means of regional discard plans, provided the plans have been worked out and scientifically substantiated. Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) and, where necessary, Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR) will advise the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) in drawing up the possible exceptions in the discard plans and will support their scientific substantiation.
LNV needs scientific support and advice for the proper implementation of the CFP, and the landing obligation in particular. The focus in the implementation of the landing obligation is currently mainly on the preparation and drafting of regional discard plans for the North Sea (via the Scheveningen group) and the Northwestern waters.
Another point of attention is obtaining an improved overview of current investigations within the regional groups relevant to the Netherlands, in order to be able to anticipate proposals from other member states in good time. In addition, scientific support will be required in the context of the possible revision of the CFP as a result of the evaluation of the landing obligation from the EU.
Work is being done on a platform where discard data is easily accessible to LNV and it will be investigated how monitoring of discards should be adjusted in the context of the landing obligation.
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Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie. L, Wetgeving (2015), Volume: 336 - ISSN 1725-2598 - p. 42-48. -
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