Groene gewasbescherming, nieuwe casussen
This project comprises an extension to the Kennisimpuls Groene gewasbescherming (Knowledge boost initiative Sustainable crop protection), which directly supports the policy goals of the Mission on transition to circular agriculture of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality. The aim is to facilitate a speed-up of the transition to a more sustainable crop protection while the current strong international position of Dutch agriculture is maintained.
This research results in prototypes of innovative cropping systems which successfully make use of all opportunities to make farming more sustainable, from innovative techniques to agroecological principles (time horizon 2030). In this extension researchers develop three new cropping systems (tomato and potplants in greenhouses, and field-grown leek) in close interaction with farmers. Representatives from various market-chain parties and from other knowledge centres, as well as farmers, are involved as members of advisory groups. The aimed new cropping systems will be markedly less dependent on chemical crop protection. Plant protection products listed on the EU-list of candidates for substitution will not be applied.
In addition, a desk study will be carried out to assess crop protection issues in the current grass seed cropping systems and a case study on the link between the crop and surrounding nature. This case study will focus on the relation between insect biodiversity outside a greenhouse and the inside crop resilience with respect to insect pests. The resulting prototypes and new insights may be further tested and brought into practice by public-private programmes.