Ecologisch bermbeheer
Research into standards in ecological roadside management in the Netherlands and the desirability and use of model agreements between the client and the contractor.
Research into standards in ecological roadside management in the Netherlands and the desirability and use of model agreements between the client and the contractor.
An overview is given of which standards are currently used by different managers and an analysis is made of whether improvements are necessary or desirable.
Carbon storage in European ecosystems : A quick scan for terrestrial and marine EUNIS habitat types
What is a forest? : A view of Europe's forest coverage
Ecologisch bermbeheer : wenselijkheid en gebruik standaardbeheerovereenkomsten
Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research (Rapport / Wageningen Environmental Research 3198) -
Verbetering biodiversiteit begint langs de weg: Bermbeheerders worden weer natuurbeheerders